Example sentences of "[pers pn] would have be [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nicola , who had shed tears of disappointment , said : ‘ Another two seconds and I would have been Olympic champion — the girl 's eyes were going red .
2 She would have been rude back , but she was drinking my booze .
3 ’ If we were still in our own country , Andreas , a man like you would have been married years ago and you would have many children to delight you in your old age . ’
4 If it 'd depended on my father we 'd have been dead years ago .
5 They 'd have been worried sick about her , and what could they do so many miles away ?
6 Det Supt Michael Hames , head of Scotland Yard 's Obscene Publica-tions branch , said if the film-makers had not called it ‘ educational ’ , then it would have been blatant pornography .
7 Mother General and Mother Clare were indeed right , it would have been preferential treatment to have financed Eve 's university education from the convent funds .
8 It would have been small consolation to him to know that later , on 22 August , she wrote : ‘ Odiously impertinent , insulting and boastful as the French have always been , one can not help feeling for them . ’
9 Again , it would have been professional suicide for a civil servant to describe the indignities of derangement and to represent himself as having been mad , unless the facts were as well known to his colleagues and masters as he says they were ; while to try , on the other hand , to put his known condition in a better light , as Hoccleve does , is sensible only if the fact of his illness was well known but his recovery less well recognised , which is what he claims .
10 It would have been enormous fun , she thought wistfully , to help work Water Gypsy up and down the canal system .
11 Anywhere other than a rugby pitch it would have been common assault .
12 It would have been double standards .
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