Example sentences of "[pers pn] will have [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll have to lock up the pages before seven , and I doubt Mike will be able to do more than meet the deadline .
2 I 'll have to sort out a suitable bottle of wine to go with it . ’
3 No , oh I know what I never got that ai n't finished I 'll have to go down the shops , I might go down
4 I 'll have dried out a bit by the time I get to the cottage , and I do n't really want to go all the way back to the farm after I 've come this far . ’
5 By then I 'll have worked out a plan to get us back behind our own lines . ’
6 The police were very sympathetic , but as the inspector in charge told me , ‘ I 'll have to hand over the papers to the Director of Public Prosecutions — or one of his staff .
7 You 'll having going down the bottom of the road here in a minute .
8 Yeah , I think you 'll have to go round a bit .
9 So you 'll have to put on a bit more flesh if you want filmstar legs .
10 And that , you 'll have to take out a mortgage to do that .
11 No my friend 's in the trade I said they 're basically working but they 've got a halt on somewhere because they 've come back you 'll have to sort out the you 've got but er they 're only one ten
12 People will puke up all over the place and since it 's your fault , you 'll have to clear up the mess .
13 You 'll have to peel back the carpet .
14 ‘ Mind you , you 'll have to write out the replies yourself in your own handwriting and in your own words — they 'll expect it to come from you . ’
15 But perhaps you 'll have to grow up a bit more before you realise that . ’
16 I can not resist saying that when Japan finally exchanges her peaceful simplicity , her admiration for , and artistic appreciation of , Nature 's beauties , and her contented national life , for the storm stress , and hurry of that feverish existence known to the West , she will have given up the substance for the shadow .
17 ‘ I want to say to IBEC and to employers generally , if you want to continue to do business with Congress then you will have to sort out the cowboys in your midst .
18 For most cars you will have to give up the whole of your mobility supplement for the three year period .
19 If this does not work , you will have to drain down the pipe and remove the fitting .
20 When you and your fiance visit the minister of your church , you will have to fill out a form giving your personal details such as date of birth etc .
21 By this stage of your career you will have built up a small personal library comprising books of great variety .
22 Unless you have enough spare cash to do this , you will have to take out a bridging loan .
23 There is a slim chance that you will have to make up the shortfall .
24 You will have to work out the potential problems for the patient , and take care to avoid them .
25 If you do not weigh for a year and you eat just an extra 500 calories each day during that time , you will have put on a full 45 lb ( 21.8 kg ) ; rather a nasty shock !
26 While chatting with Allan in the Admin Block corridor about a snag which had emerged , one of the senior managers said ‘ We 'll have to set up an Improvement Team to solve it ’ .
27 and then we 'll have to cancel out the garage , so do n't know how much that 's gon na be .
28 We 'll have to go down the off-licence . ’
29 We 'll have to knuckle down a bit wo n't we se Rachel ?
30 Erm , if you ask for what actions we could take , then we 'll have to work out a way of doing it .
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