Example sentences of "[pers pn] will [verb] it [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , I 'll do it with that one then .
2 So I 'll do it like that .
3 I thought , so I 'll leave it at that
4 I think I 'll leave it at that for the moment .
5 I 'll leave it at that for the moment but I may have to ask you that question again .
6 I 'll leave it at that , erm , rate book , it needs practice at the end of the day .
7 Erm , I think I 'll leave it at that for this moment in time and er if I may speak at at the end .
8 I 'll leave it at that .
9 I 'll change it for that goose , I will . ’
10 I 'll put it on that one alright .
11 Oh and you 'll do it in that one there , that 's er do one
12 If you kept it up to three months there 's cat in hell 's chance you 'll lose it after that .
13 Do you reckon she 'll prefer it in that colour ?
14 We 've heard tonight , and I do not believe it , a plea from Councillor , the Chairman of Social Services , that he wants ring fencing of Local Government money , I E the Government sends us our money and says , you will spend it on that and that and that and there will be now power of Local Councils to decide what the needs are in their areas and what their priorities are .
15 We 'll leave it , we 'll leave it at that .
16 What we 'll do is we 'll leave it at that , that does n't mean your going anywhere !
17 Erm we 'll leave it at that for the time being .
18 ‘ All right , we 'll leave it at that for the moment , but I may have to see you again . ’
19 And we 'll leave it at that . ’
20 ‘ I think we 'll leave it at that for now . ’
21 Okay , we 'll leave it at that for the moment .
22 We 'll leave it at that and we 'll pick it up again next time because we 've done enough on that .
23 Right we 'll leave it at that then .
24 I think we 'll leave it at that .
25 ‘ But we 'll leave it at that .
26 Well anyway , I do n't know what was true or not or what what was right , but I thought I 'd got it through seniority and we 'll leave it at that .
27 We 'll leave it like that .
28 We 'll leave it like that .
29 enough it might have just about finished , I think we 'll stop it at that then
30 Yeah , well okay then we 'll do it at that meeting and work it out then right ?
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