Example sentences of "[pers pn] and [verb] them [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Ruth would retire behind her screen to read them and stored them in one of her drawers .
2 I paid for three plants ( £4 ) and when I got home , cleaned them and put them in two of my tanks .
3 Poets had found their way over ( and sometimes back , to tell the tale ) ; so had a good number of priests over the centuries , and hermits , meditating on their essence so hard the In Ovo enveloped them and spat them into another world .
4 The viking army also would not let the giantesses rest , but sailed away with them and set them to grinding salt ; they ground so much that the boat sank and the mill with it , though still ( adds folk-tradition ) in the Maelstrom the giantesses grind their magic quern .
5 As a change and to provide more nourishment , try pouring yogurt over them and topping them with fresh fruit .
6 The first such coins were made from electrum from the rivers that flowed down from the Troilus Mountains , but advantage was soon taken of the different status in the traditional value system of the gold and silver components to separate them and use them for different denominations .
7 Government orders forbade anyone to show the natives how to use such weapons , yet inevitably they did on occasion obtain them and use them to deadly effect , though their culture might be basically Stone Age .
8 Well obviously they would look after them and keep them in good order , and what have you , so that there was no hold up with them trying to make a wage or whatever .
9 But he gave much of his time to them and showered them with expensive gifts .
10 If females are concentrated together then it is much easier for a single male to herd them and defend them from other males .
11 With palms facing upwards , take your arms behind you and pull them towards each other 35 times .
12 With palms facing upwards , take your arms behind you and pull them towards each other 35 times .
13 With palms facing upwards , take your arms behind you and pull them towards each other 30 times .
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