Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [vb pp] him into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now , I have n't met this gentleman , but I 'm told that he is a great expert on the question of sound and the nature of sound and , and the problems by it , and I 've invited him into the studio and I 'm going to interview him .
2 I have put him into the London to act as lieutenant , ’ the admiral reported .
3 I have initiated him into the ‘ Secret Doctrine ’ , opened his centres of vision and given him the means to communicate with the Powers .
4 But she has lured him into a giant press , through which she has crawled , and is just able to throw the switch .
5 She 'd followed him into the Rockingham public house by the Elephant and Castle .
6 Would you have made him into the working-class Christopher Fry ?
7 She tried to brush aside memories of the eager , tiny child that Hank had been , a child who had adored his ugly , heavy-footed Ukrainian grandfather , a child who had screamed with rage at her when she had thrust him into the arms of an unknown babysitter or had forced him to play alone in the basement , until he became a silent , morose schoolboy .
8 She had dragged him into a room that turned out to be empty .
9 His cheerful rubicund face was graver than usual , and when she had ushered him into the dining-room he began without preliminary :
10 He stared at her almost angrily , as if she had trapped him into a confidence he would have preferred not to have made .
11 And she 's got him into a very good er nursery school apparently .
12 such important guest this evening she 's let him into the banquet and of course the guys are dying at this stage .
13 They had made him into a gunman .
14 He said they had forced him into a car and he had heard the lorry start up behind him .
15 It has made him into a bitter man and I quite understand that bitterness .
16 The poll tax has been an outstanding success for the right hon. Member for Wirral , West ( Mr. Hunt ) — it has got him into the Cabinet .
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