Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [vb pp] at an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Clad in an old black leotard and leggings , now fairly well daubed with paint , and with her mane of hair hidden beneath a scarlet bandana , she did n't exactly look like a decorator , she realised with a giggle as she caught sight of her own reflection in the hall mirror on the way to the kitchen , but she 'd discovered at an early stage of the game just how much bending , stretching and crouching was involved and so had decided she might as well be comfortable while she did it .
2 It was the first time the monarch had ever used a Thames passenger ferry — and one of the few occasions when she had arrived at an official engagement by public transport in the UK .
3 Marie said nothing but she had worked at an old people 's home as part of her Community Care Course .
4 In assuming that it may be rational to be a sceptic about value alone , we had stopped at an uncomfortable halfway house between philosophy and common sense , between the pure thinker who doubts everything and the plain man who questions neither what he sees nor what he likes or dislikes .
5 If the probe moves along a radius with , then For simplicity it can be imagined that the probe would have been be at rest if it had started at an infinite distance from the hole ; then the kinetic energy parameter T vanishes and the equation reduces further to where , as usual , .
6 The exploration of the American west revealed many such areas , and efforts to preserve them had begun at an early stage .
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