Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [adv] been [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I have now been answering cichlid queries for PFK for exactly seven years .
2 ‘ Len and I have always been good mates .
3 ‘ Susan and I have never been social butterflies , ’ Breeze explained with dignity , ‘ and I do n't think we shall be able to entertain much .
4 She 'd never been comfortable trading sallies with men .
5 Her husband — she had still been married then-told her not to look .
6 We 've never been keen gardeners but last year we decided to make a special effort and bought a big selection of plants and seeds .
7 They 'd only been married months , I thought they 'd had their first row and she 'd come home .
8 ‘ In 1945 , ’ Husband said , ‘ they were trading cigarettes-which were better than gold in those days — for party cards and affidavits that they 'd always been true Worker Youths-once they found themselves in the Russian Zone .
9 Cut price classical CDs are n't new but until now they 've either been old recordings or foreign orchestras have been used with relatively obscure performers and conductors .
10 They 've always been other years so I presume that
11 ‘ I 've bought a number of good-quality second-hand items and they 've all been excellent value .
12 They had both been ardent followers of such causes as Shelter , Freedom from Hunger and the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament , the popular issues of the day for caring people with deep moral convictions .
13 They had never been close friends but they had got on well ; lately , however , a gap had opened .
14 They had never been observant Jews ; they had been steeped in German , not Jewish , culture and identified with it .
15 It is almost as if they had never been wild elephants — but only the day before yesterday , they were .
16 They had always been careful hands , and she sensed an extra reverence in them now .
17 They had all been staunch Congregationalists , and Mary occasionally felt sad that she had left it all behind in childhood .
18 They have both been occasional golfers , which they still enjoy when on holiday in Spain or Portugal .
19 I 've been lucky enough to play with several international captains — Colin Deans , Gary Callander , Finlay Calder and David Sole — and they have all been splendid leaders , different in their own ways but earning the respect of their colleagues .
20 They have always been notable sources of reference for serious scholars , of course , and there have always been just a few teachers and parents who have made it their business , over the years , to arrange educational visits both for themselves and for schoolchildren .
21 On the occasions I have returned it has usually been late afternoon .
22 It has only been burning coal in it !
23 It has long been common practice to give students isolated passages of poetry or prose , often but not always anonymous , to analyse , discuss , and respond to , in the manner of Richards 's original undertaking .
24 ( This is why , in the media , it has always been Tory governments that have created new radio or television channels , whether Radio Clyde , Granada Television , London Jazz Radio , or Channel Four . )
25 She noticed that his hair had scissor marks in it , as if it had just been dry cut .
26 For months it had apparently been common knowledge ; something to be tutted over and discussed in hushed tones that stopped abruptly whenever she entered the common-room .
27 Mark Whiteside ( 18 ) , said he had only recently started modelling but that it had all been good fun .
28 On the one hand , the narrowly hierarchical nature of British education and the vested interests in maintaining it have undoubtedly been powerful forces at work [ Barnett , 1986 ] .
29 It 's certainly been great fun with Durham and they are working wonders .
30 It 's always been rough place
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