Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [verb] [art] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 I 'd made a commitment to the Branch Secretaries and to the Representatives that there will be a full Representatives Conference of which those proposals will be debated and discussed .
2 I reported last time that I 'd made an approach to Chris .
3 The road had for so long been the only goal that I 'd given no thought to anything beyond .
4 ‘ The receptionist at the hotel could have told you that I 'd taken a taxi to Prague railway station , ’ she offered .
5 She asked me whether I 'd taken the cat to the vet , and I admitted that I had n't .
6 On Wednesday I met Mrs Matthews in the street and she asked if I 'd taken the cat to the vet and I admitted that I had n't .
7 She said I 'd chosen the path to failure .
8 ‘ If I 'd had the sense to be frank with her last March , maybe I could have done that .
9 I 've caught some , where I 'd caught a bus to you , if , remember when I was decorating the flat ?
10 By the time I 'd sawn the wood to the right length and we 'd nailed the pieces together to form a floor , we were both sweating .
11 I had imagined the cleaning to be a routine trundle and the retouching a source of joy , but apparently it 's vice versa and tête-bêche .
12 Cos I had studied the chart to k know something about er and I I presume I was one of the few people in New York , who knew the damn thing was on 's Island you see .
13 I had to put a stop to it , ’ he told Mexican television .
14 I had noticed the name on the map ; it seemed very remote but I had seen a reference to an inn there .
15 Of course there were friends whom I could have asked , but I had seen an opportunity to be stubborn and had dismissed each of her suggested candidates with tiresome and irrelevant objections — too fat , too blonde , too tall , too many teeth .
16 It was almost as if I had received a blow to the heart .
17 Before my marriage , I had to arrange a visit to the mikva .
18 I had to take a message to these ’ — she almost said gentlemen — ‘ to Mrs Felton about her youngest son ; he 's in hospital . ’
19 And if I had to choose a companion to be with me down the years I would take you as a pattern . ’
20 Now , on the Tuesday evening , I had obtained a ticket to the small Philharmonia Hall , where two of Russia 's most distinguished musicians were to give a recital of classical favourites for violin and piano .
21 But the niece was very bitter about it — I had to write a letter to her solicitors a year or so later because she 'd been bothering Angela long after the estate was settled . ’
22 Jimmy Warren is experiencing stress trauma and I had suggested a visit to Len Seager in hospital , but he was n't sure he could handle it , at least not on his own .
23 It was no particular shock when I found out ; I had expected the test to be positive .
24 I had expected the cock to crow , that day .
25 I had to get an ambulance to her .
26 It was by now after two , and I had to get the album to the crematorium by five .
27 Having reconciled myself to the situation , I felt I had to make a gift to Leslie of my acceptance .
28 The connection between enjoyment and a spontaneous welcoming of awareness is logically necessary , for it would be contradictory to say ‘ I intensely enjoyed the sensation , but I had to make an effort to be much aware of it . ’
29 As I recall , I had conveyed a plea to Miss Kenton for assistance — via a messenger , naturally — and had left M. Dupont sitting in the billiard room awaiting his nurse , when the first footman had come hurrying down the staircase in some distress to inform me that my father had been taken ill upstairs .
30 I did n't realise I had to sign a declaration to the contrary . ’
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