Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [verb] [adv prt] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd crumpled on to the door mat and I remember a fearful pain , but whether it was my head or my ankle , I do n't really know .
2 He 'd been there first , waiting , and I 'd walked up to the carefully prominent bait and presented him with a perfect target , a broad back in a scarlet sweater , an absolute cinch .
3 Once I 'd got on to the continent I 'd walk there if I had to .
4 I 'd got through to a girl I said extension two three six and then oh and the feller said er
5 Now the last person I had moved on to the hundreds had enormous problems with the stickiness of them .
6 Once I 'd accomplished the first stages of training , getting her to sit still on my fist , I had to move on to the next stage : getting her to feed there .
7 feet of the cow was not in the original photograph so I had to go up to a a farm and ask for straw to hide the
8 I had to go on to the usual horror .
9 ‘ Because I only found the portrait — I was only able to identify the man in her diary when I had to go out to the cottage last Saturday .
10 Then I had to go down to the station to get somebody and by the time I came back , most of the stuff had gone .
11 I had to go back to the room , as if I needed to tell the place where I lived of my feeling .
12 So I thanked Mr. Lennis for his frankness , explained that I had to go back to the bank to deal with some work , and departed .
13 I , I could feel that I have , I had to go back to the bath to the toilet quite often .
14 It was a day much like today , hot and sunny , but unlike today there were no tourists about and Dave and I had stripped off to the skin and stepped through the shallows with mud squidging between our toes to the pebbly beach , swimming out into the cool water .
15 I thought that because I had looked up to the twins on account of their wealth I expected others to do the same to me .
16 I flung the sporting pistol I had looted on to the back seat , relieved to think I would never have to defend myself with it .
17 I had to come back to a degree agreeing with them .
18 Did not get the job — dear , former [ xx ] Manager , drove me up there ( 6 miles north of Perth ) and then on to Dunkeld where he insisted on giving me lunch — he had originally thought of taking me to Gleneagles , but I had to get back to the outplacement people — and did so , only to find ‘ my ’ counsellor had , for the third time , failed to keep an appointment with me .
19 At my first event in Fort Worth , I had held on to the few people I knew as though for dear life , terrified at the thought of being stranded in this great wilderness .
20 I stared wonderingly at the small , wax candle which I had thrown on to the floor of my chamber .
21 Some years later , when Hellen and I had settled down to a busy and happily married life in China , we had a Chinese name worked out for her .
22 I had decided that I had to face up to the fact that John might not come back or he might be gone for a long time and that when he did come back we might not love one another .
23 Just before getting in the trucks , I had wandered down to the rooms where the crippled legionnaires lived .
24 We 're able to put up most of them , while the remainder I 've sent round to The Beach Hotel . ’
25 But I 've fallen on to the floor often enough to know how to get up .
26 But I 've copied over to the same place , what it seems to be doing provided the cell pointed out , you 're looking at the top left .
27 I have to go up to the hospital twice a week to day assessment unit , where they are doing test on the baby just to monitor its progress and see if everything is going okay .
28 I have to go round to the wife of a man — a man ! my best friend ! — whom I have just left trogging off to the tube station ; I have to go round to his wife of six weeks and tell her I love her .
29 On occasion there is n't sufficient water available from the stream or the rainwater tub , and I have to go down to the reservoir , which I call the Mississippi , to rinse the washing .
30 We 'll need another two or three days here , but I have to go down to the mortuary with the body .
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