Example sentences of "[pers pn] be all in [art] same " in BNC.

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1 You 're all in the same dressing room .
2 When you came to get your your contract with er te te te and you were all in the same c contract , was that because you got together as a union , or whether you got t together as the worker ?
3 We are all in the same boat out here .
4 We are all in the same boat .
5 It is always nice to be introduced to these meetings because although we are all in the same boat , it 's still a bit daunting walking into a strangers house .
6 In consequence no particular facet of the policy is seen to be peculiar to any one Division ; what is so for the profession generally is also true for the building surveyor ; we are all in the same boat .
7 I wish I could tell him that we are all in the same boat .
8 She remembered him saying : ‘ We are all in the same boat . ’
9 The past is a distant , receding coastline , and we are all in the same boat .
10 Yeah , that needs to be signed and then we can use these and any future occasions when we 're all in the same place .
11 I mean we 're all in the same boat . ’
12 These strategies were exemplified in statements on the part of respondents such as ‘ count your blessings ’ , or ‘ we 're all in the same boat ’ , and in methods such as perceiving hardship as the forerunner of an easier future , or devaluing the importance of aspects which are noxious ( such as an unpleasant boss and colleagues ) and magnifying good aspects ( such as the convenient location and reasonable pay of the job ) .
13 It makes prisoners realise they can do something , and we 're all in the same society
14 ‘ In theory , we 're all in the same boat , ’ he told a newspaper .
15 We 're all in the same .
16 There 's quite a few around us because then we was not going onto a council estate from the one room , and we were all in the same boat together .
17 Suppose that I am supplied with a sequence of electrons which have been prepared in such a way that they are all in the same state of motion .
18 Yeah cos they 're all in the same set , cos they 're , cos they 're bo cos all of them are thick .
19 And they 're all in the same position .
20 Instead of a series of national financial systems linked by a few operators buying and selling credit across the exchanges , we now have a global system , in which national markets , physically separate , function as if they were all in the same place .
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