Example sentences of "[pers pn] be at [art] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ the defendant owed no duty of care to the infant plaintiff she being at the time of the collision en ventre sa mère , not an existing person and merely part of her mother .
2 He had a means of doing this since she was at the time in danger of being disbarred after allegations that she had defrauded a Catholic charity active in Africa .
3 Although in 1981 a question was asked about usual residence , UK censuses are de facto , i.e. individuals are enumerated on the basis of where they are at the time of the census ( This avoids the need to define the distinction between temporary and permanent residence ) .
4 In that year , Haringey 's Labour councillors learned more about heterosexism than they would ever have believed possible , and they have become far more articulate in their defence of lesbian and gay rights than they were at the time of their election .
5 The long hot days of summer are with us again — or they were at the time of writing , and long may they continue .
6 Lyndon Bolton , the managing director , yesterday described prospects as more encouraging than they were at the time of the interim report in August .
7 It is at the time of delivery that the goods must be reasonably fit for the purpose for which the buyer indicated he wanted them .
8 Comments on the Green Paper have been requested by 14 January 1994 and it is at the time of writing too soon to predict what the ultimate shape of the implementing legislation will be .
9 It was at the time of the doodle-bugs , the flying bombs , and air raid warnings were frequent .
10 Faith coming before and bringing about healing is as real to many Christians today as it was at the time of the Gospel .
11 We experienced the operation of a principle widely applicable and perhaps more generally recognised now than it was at the time of the events I have recorded .
12 Teacher education is a smaller scale enterprise than it was at the time of the events I have recorded .
13 It was at the time of the Bulganin-Khruschev circus and my leave was very short — not long enough to clear up my mother 's affairs as I wished to do .
14 Yet to mere man , Venice stands today on a group of islands at the head of the Adriatic very much as it was at the time of the great Doges .
15 The mathematics curriculum is much broader now than it was at the time of the 11+ .
16 Is my right hon. Friend aware that in many parts of the Yorkshire and Humberside region unemployment is significantly lower than it was at the time of the previous election , and that what the regional CBI fears above all else is the havoc that would be caused by a Labour Government , with their commitment to a statutory minimum wage , which would wipe out so many jobs , and to the European Community social chapter , which would make British industry uncompetitive in world terms ?
17 The rebuilt barn had been laid out just as it was at the time of the fire in January last year .
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