Example sentences of "[pers pn] be at [noun] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For example , if the patient says ‘ I can not possibly measure my own blood glucose because I am at work all day ’ , the patient might be lost if the doctor were to insist .
2 I 've met her twice on formal occasions , but I am at work all day , so I do n't often see my neighbours .
3 ‘ I 've told you ; I knew nothing about what had happened until I was at work next morning and one of your policemen came with the news . ’
4 I 'm not because I was at work last week and they got
5 ‘ That 's right , ’ replied Brown , ‘ I was at home all evening . ’
6 ‘ Have you been at work this morning ? ’
7 R is difficult when you are at work all week , to find the time and it is not much fun spending your only free time cleaning .
8 You are at zer wrong window ! ’ the old lady announced in the bellow of someone whose hearing is going .
9 Anyway , you 're at home all day . ’
10 You lose your job , you 're at home all day , you heat the house to stay warm , get cut off because you fall behind with the bill .
11 She 's at home all day . ’
12 No they 're at work all day
13 No , it 's not er , it 's so much I mean , he 's at work all day , and he works all bloody hours that God sent , when they want , when they got down ,
14 Now , this was Howard 's first day in the place ( he reminded the Chases and their guests , preparing them dramatically for what was to come ) and he had some vague impression at the back of his mind , left over perhaps from books he had read and films he had seen , that it was at bottom some kind of ecclesiastical institution .
15 It was at dinner last night .
16 It was at Heathrow that millionaire Rod had first appeared off-hand about ten-week-old Renee when the family flew in from France .
17 When he was at school another boy told him the Chinese see a rabbit in the moon .
18 Yesterday he was at Hartlepool Labour Hall , surrounded by a dozen or so women shoving leaflets into envelopes .
19 For Martin 's goblin never let him rest unless he was at work fetching honey , or setting up more hives , or buying and selling , making himself richer and richer .
20 Anyway he was at home that day , home for lunch , and he and Beryl were actually sitting at the table , talking as it happened about going down soon to take a look at the Hall , when Adam came in .
21 Now he was at home more Dad and I became closer .
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