Example sentences of "[pers pn] be do [pron] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 I am doing them in a minute .
2 However , one afternoon perhaps two weeks after our conversation in my pantry , I was doing something in the library when Miss Kenton came in and said :
3 It just happened that I was doing it in a unique way through the business world of women .
4 speed if you 're doing it in a
5 because you 're doing it in a very different coordinate system which is
6 It 's only to create an impression when you 're doing it in the day time .
7 you , you 're doing it in the same room
8 And we 're doing it in a second time .
9 They may need to go out in pairs which is why I think that we do need to put more money into the budget to provide this service and make sure that we 're doing it in the best possible way , erm so I mean I think that it 's very important that we 're consistent about this .
10 ‘ The only difference between Lee and Roy Keane and David Hirst is that they are doing it in the Premier League .
11 I think there 's still too much ‘ You do that , you do this ’ in the big record companies , but that 's bollocks too , because without the artists knowing what they 're doing nobody in the record company would have a job . ’
12 As ever , ESP are busy doing the obvious thing , but they 're doing it in a manner a cut above some of the other ‘ rawk ’ guitar manufacturers .
13 They 're talking about going with us certainly , but they 're doing it in a positive way because they see what the future is .
14 I think I think there was som some sent to Chester for example , I think they were doing something in the cathedral in Chester .
15 They were doing it in a large double bed in the middle of Westminster Abbey with choir and priests looking on .
16 Nigel 's going to come and fit it cos he works for a company who makes and he 's doing them in every room .
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