Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [to-vb] he [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And , Father , he asked — the lord sheriff asked — that I should beg you to have Brother Cadfael informed also , and when the morning comes , if you permit , I am to lead him to the place , to meet the sheriff there .
2 If you were to touch him with a pin — and he 's a boy or a girl by now — he 'd move away , he feels pain .
3 You were to kill him in the alleyway and capture the Time Sprout .
4 We were to meet him at the airport , and when we were making all the arrangements with him on the phone , he said , ‘ Are you sure you 'll be able to recognize me ? ’
5 It was as embarrassing to see a friend under the influence of adrenalin when one had not lost one 's own temper as it was to see him under the influence of alcohol when one was sober .
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