Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Dixie and I are dressed up for the Island .
2 ‘ I will be absolutely gutted if I am ruled out of the derby .
3 ‘ I have not eaten and I am in rags and all I ask is a share of your fire before I am turned out into the cold night again …
4 I am cut off at the waist for ever .
5 Unfortunately I am tied up for the next month or so with filming commitments , but I hope we can arrange some time in July .
6 By nightfall I am fed up with the search and determined to leave tomorrow for at least one day on Drangajökull .
7 I 'm sure you 've heard it thousands of times before but I am fed up with the way I look .
8 I am fed up with the power of the normally aspirated diesel engine in my ‘ 84 Ninety .
9 I AM fed up with the media blasting Kenya 's tourist industry .
10 I am curled up in the armchair , flicking through a book .
11 He said : ‘ I am 24 now and I am signed up for the next five years .
12 till I am smothered back into the stone
13 The directive is based on minimum standards — but I am caught out by the time , Madam Deputy Speaker .
14 ‘ Can I be dropped off at the airport ? ’ she was glad to ask as the signs came up .
15 I 'm turned on by the thought of making love to women .
16 I 'm turned out of the house where I was born whether I want to go or no , the house and the business are handed over to … to that woman , and I have to share what is left in a joint legacy with Francis ! ’
17 2 A habitual collocation of two or more words whose combined meaning is not deducible from a knowledge of its component parts and of their grammatical relations to each other : He 's a real pain in the neck , and I 'm fed up to the teeth with the mess he 's landed us in .
18 I live in a one-bedroomed flat with very little cupboard space and I 'm fed up with the piles of clothes and shoes I trip over all the time .
19 I left home when I was 16 , I 've travelled the world and I 'm fed up with the fun side of life .
20 ‘ Sorry , I 'm tied up for the next couple of months with long-haul business trips , ’ Ashley interrupted .
21 I 'm tied up at the hospital the weekend after . ’
22 I 'm tied up at the hospital for a while each day , but we could be together most of the time .
23 This is unbelievable , I thought , I 'm locked out of the country where I live , and they worry about litter .
24 I 'm bowled over by the logic and impressed with the religious zeal . ’
25 Look , sergeant , when I 'm driving a four-wheeler , I 'm perched up at the front .
26 Really British , I 'm pissed off about the European passports
27 My brother and I were brought up in the Catholic faith .
28 I were knocked back on the bloody floor .
29 Through the communicating voice tube I was invited up to the bridge .
30 She was hard at work in her jealously private workshop , though she called in briefly at the library from time to time , and I was invited back to the Lodge for meals some evenings .
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