Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [adv] the other [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 yeah , well I was there the other day and erm the bell went and nobody sort of moved and I thought I think , I know , you know , so I got up and I washed me cup of tea like , you know , they looked at me as if you know oh there 's a keen , but I mean I do think it 's important to do that , because not only that it 's not fair for the
2 like I said we at least to go on one complex exercise every month which , although they ca n't physically make you go on it there was , you know , they more or less made you go sort of thing pay to do and then we were there the other weekend we had one of these weekends where be more fun , really hard work though it 'll be more fun for
3 Oh while we were there the other day .
4 He was speaking very much more quietly than when he first came in and occasionally looked reproachfully at the door as if the thing which had depressed him was just the other side of it .
5 Now for er sensing people it 's probably the other way round .
6 It 's generally the other way round ; lass ; it 's them at the other end of the Feltons ' fists who generally land up here .
7 It 's absolutely the other way round .
8 In higher education , it is entirely the other way around .
9 It is more the other way round , they would buy a record because it was n't in the charts . ’
10 He 's not much of a character , he 's sort of a cardboard character is n't he , he 's just the other man , the man that they want to marry Juliet .
11 ‘ But it was mostly the other thing , that he 'd had to sweat all his life and she 'd never done a hand 's turn .
12 I think it was probably the other day because erm the wa the ducks were swimming on the road at er six o'clock just on the road near the baths
13 It was entirely the other way round .
14 But for Maxim it was still the other way around : the landscape beyond the train window was just for show ; secretly he knew those buildings were mere façades , without interior floors , furniture or live people .
15 Most unusual — where Mark was concerned it was usually the other way round .
16 It was always the other way round , and when he found overnight fame , he clung to it with both hands and worried sometimes that it would go away again .
17 In his newly exalted position , Jenkins may come to choose his words more carefully , but it was only the other day that he was saying ; ‘ There is no doubt we are poor ; it 's no good pretending we are not .
18 It was only the other day that she showed them to me .
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