Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [adv] [v-ing] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I am also making another general point .
2 I am now pursuing civil legal action and if need be publish it in my local daily paper and some other well known daily papers .
3 I am still nursing some bruised ribs , though nothing has been broken , and I 've also broken a tooth .
4 I 'm currently advising one single parent who spends £25.90 a week on fuel .
5 A good breakfast , dinner and tea , and here I 'm only getting one decent meal a day .
6 I wo n't , she says , I 'm only having half next week !
7 I 'm only paying sixty two now for my house !
8 ‘ I ca n't believe I 'm actually seeing all this ! ’
9 I was somehow reversing that pivotal moment in my eidetic career eight years before , when Mr Broadhurst had bade me look in his waistcoat pocket and then made his move .
10 By now I was thoroughly enjoying this superb route with its delightful sloping traverse , then the last steep arête to an abrupt finish on Wimbledon turf .
11 I was just discussing this last night , but they used to be more friendly atmospheres , even with the away supporters years ago you know it was but things go full circle in the end and hopefully like I say we 're getting back to some sort of sanity now .
12 So I was probably enjoying British progressive rock at the same time I was listening to American jazz . ’
13 Anyway , I was congratulated once more and I realised for the first time that I was actually doing some good .
14 You know , you carry on down the motorway , like the sun was on , on , and I was really getting sweaty hot with the sun , it was like on the win on the on er , the window
15 I was half expecting some serious , mumbling classical music type , but instead I found an intelligent and lively personality whose last opera was a portrait of American comedian Jack Benny .
16 I was merely suggesting two possible topics of conversation , ’ he drawled .
17 If you are considering doing any long distance sailing , remember that distances over water are very deceptive .
18 If things are really bad , you are getting nowhere and you feel that an argument is developing , the best action is to state politely that you are not willing to be interviewed in such a manner , that you are clearly wasting one another 's time and you have decided to leave .
19 And taking your life as a whole , with all your innumerable choices , all your life you are slowly turning this central thing into either a heavenly creature or into a hellish creature .
20 So you are better insuring these expensive possessions on your home insurance .
21 ‘ You mean you 're just babysitting two rich junkies ? ’
22 Because you 're always starting on the root , reversing directions on the root and ending on the root , you 're only using one seventh of the possibilities inherent in each scale .
23 And you 're still dreaming this impossible dream about you and some fantastic job in publishing .
24 Oh you 're quite enjoying this this morning are n't you ?
25 You 're actually making all these little decisions instantly .
26 erm and I think maybe that you , you jumped in should n't have done that er because obviously M Martin got quite defensive at that point you know because you were only going there to do this financial planning service and er selling them anything , you were just offering this financial planning service and then you jumped in with these , when I come back with my recommendations erm tt I also thought that erm you know it was a little bit dodgy actually to say you , well you know erm tt we have found that our records are incorrect and I thought well then that maybe and erm you went ve you went very o when you were talking about the dependants erm you , you you did n't seem to get into er erm how many children have you got and is there any other dependants , it , you , it seemed to take you a long time to actually get there .
27 Layla , our loving secretary , has at last learned that when she 's adamantly refusing some tenacious committee member and I say , ‘ Here , give me the phone .
28 Just then one of Father 's secretaries , who was standing right behind me , said , ‘ Such purity of line , do you notice , even when she 's only showing that sweet child how to curtsy . ’
29 She is obviously following this insane dialogue with remarkably close attention .
30 She was still seeking some further ease of tension in drinking sherry to an extent that worried her .
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