Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [adv] [prep] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Er , and in general we have a , er , panel of the non-executive directors who set the directors ' salary in relation to the other directors I am also on that panel er , but obviously not in relation to my own salary .
2 I 'm never in that direction .
3 I I I was certainly with that question has been recorded and I I ca n't answer immediately but obviously you you what you 've said we 'll take that up with the management committee and come back to you straight away .
4 Actually , I am not sure that I was there on that night of his arrival , and I do n't claim to remember all the details or to have been as impressed by his appearance , framed in the doorway , as some people I drink with do ; I think they just want to talk about their witnessing his first appearance that way — as if he was an angel or something extraordinary — because of what went on to happen later .
5 I was only in that post for two years , but during that period we closed a lot of works .
6 On September 3rd I was indeed in that Church when war was declared .
7 I was once in that position , together with my former colleague the hon. Member for Dunfermline , West ( Mr. Douglas ) , who is now a member of the Scottish National party .
8 Moreover , you 're now at that age when you have to Go Into Hospital in a way which was unthinkable ten years back .
9 she 's just at that age where you cop she copies everything you know ?
10 I had to see Helen , After all , she was just over that hill which I could see from the top windows of the Grand .
11 She was still in that office when , in January 1954 , I became a secondary-school teacher .
12 We are nowhere near that amount .
13 We are now in that state — We feel the ‘ burden of the Mystery ’ .
14 We were also without that rock in defence , Trevor Proby .
15 Thirdly , people reach a stage of what we conscious competence in that they 're very aware of what they 're doing and they 're doing it correctly but they 're still at that stage where they 're fairly new and they 're very conscious of what they 're doing .
16 they 're still on that issue I would of thought
17 Great Britain and Germany were only alike in one respect ; they were both at that time contented powers .
18 They were still at that stage of their coital symphony where only the brass section was engaged , as the old metal bed creaked to and fro .
19 I would suggest that it 's probably in that region , yes .
20 It 's anyway after that butchers .
21 So it 's between it 's just on that bit there ?
22 It 's just on that chair .
23 Well , it 's just in that part .
24 go through there and it 's somewhere around that area they sell
25 because it 's only by that way that if , if he 's gon na need the grommets or something in his ear then he really needs to get it sorted out this year .
26 And it 's only after that decision that you are aware of any crowd reaction .
27 If you want information to go out at a specific time , time it very carefully , and just bung it out , as it were , and , and reckon it 's there at that stage .
28 Well it is It 's actually inside that door .
29 I think it 's pretty shocking , it 's actually in that kind of stage .
30 It is always in that order .
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