Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [adv] at that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't , I mean , I have n't , I 'm not useless cos I can give you information we have here but I 'm not at that end I ca n't you see
2 If you stall accidentally it is almost always because you are not aware of the low speed , etc. and therefore all the training in the world will not prevent you from responding instinctively because you are not at that moment aware that you are stalled .
3 Moreover , you 're now at that age when you have to Go Into Hospital in a way which was unthinkable ten years back .
4 she 's just at that age where you cop she copies everything you know ?
5 And the cruise she was on at that time — well , that was to convalesce after a very serious operation , although , ’ he added wryly , ‘ she would probably kill me for mentioning it .
6 But but equally it may it may be in the in the fullness of time that that we would be able to identify or bring a site forward through the local plan process and we 're not at that stage at the moment .
7 But the budget will be continually scrutinized er and adjusted to er suit the situation that we 're in at that stage .
8 Thirdly , people reach a stage of what we conscious competence in that they 're very aware of what they 're doing and they 're doing it correctly but they 're still at that stage where they 're fairly new and they 're very conscious of what they 're doing .
9 Great Britain and Germany were only alike in one respect ; they were both at that time contented powers .
10 They were still at that stage of their coital symphony where only the brass section was engaged , as the old metal bed creaked to and fro .
11 It 's out at that way .
12 If you want information to go out at a specific time , time it very carefully , and just bung it out , as it were , and , and reckon it 's there at that stage .
13 The reason was that it was not at that time ascertained that those materials were definitely to be used .
14 Well it was on at that time I was dropping pancakes and crumpets and the manager come up one morning and said that there was running late .
15 But I did have the chance of an exhibition , and it was just at that time , and I was working hard , and she — she , well , I suppose she was a distraction . ’
16 It was just at that moment that Kirsty stirred .
17 It was probably at that time that Zborowski took Modigliani to visit Anders Osterlind , a Swedish painter whom Modi had met in Paris years earlier when they visited the Cézanne retrospective together and almost cried with excitement .
18 Now erm for some reason or other we were responsible for the accredited Poultry Breeding Station Scheme which was erm initiated by the Department of Education or the Ministry of Education as it was then at that stage .
19 Customs revenue stood at c. £40,000 per annum in 1509 ; in the last years of Henry VIII 's reign it was still at that figure ; by 1550/51 it had fallen to £26,000 .
20 At Paddy End ( it was still at that time known as Paddies End ) , Barratt considered it sufficient to set pitches to gangs of men in the existing old workings .
21 It was really at that point that the industrial factory was born .
22 I replied , describing the state it was in at that time , and what I hoped to do with it .
23 It was only at that point that we felt confident that the field-worker was being talked to by respondents as a person rather than as some novel sex object , and the veracity of what they said could be treated by us with more confidence .
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