Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [verb] for the first " in BNC.

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1 Again , it was with the help of Phil Andrews , who was No.1 on Venturous at that time , with Bob Wellock , an ex air/sea RAF coxswain from Liverpool Customs in command whom I was meeting for the first time .
2 I was abused for the first time at three years old .
3 I was asked for the first time last week what I 'd do if we got into the Premier League .
4 In a way I was happy : I had achieved something , I was winning for the first time in my life , and I had a strong sense of myself as a differentiated individual .
5 Establishing rapport is the process of getting on the right wavelength with someone — usually , but not inevitably , with someone you are meeting for the first time .
6 Something which is important to say is that the first time you have a contact with somebody and you do a piece , you 're , you 're meeting for the first time , it 's slightly awkward and you 're getting to know each other slightly , the second time you do it easier , it 's easier , and if you establish relationships with the local press , local radio and so forth , it gets easier and easier all the time , because by the time you get to know people , it 's not sort of ‘ Can I speak to somebody who does a programme about the morning whatever it is ?
7 She said she 's walked for the first time and felt exhausted .
8 She studied it carefully as though it were some unfamiliar object she was seeing for the first time .
9 It was n't only the bride , but the bride 's family she was to meet for the first time .
10 and Q acted upon by unc and unc are essentially the same , we are meeting for the first time a concept of prime importance in algebra , namely that of isomorphism .
11 Here we are told for the first time such details as that the Moreens are American , that they require a resident tutor for their sickly child , and that Pemberton is looking for the tutor 's job ; or rather , we are not told , but are led to infer these facts , for James avoids a direct statement of them .
12 The Ryehill Course near Bloxham in Oxfordshire is where we 're going for the first in a new series of the Friday Feature .
13 ‘ My name 's Stirling , ’ he said , almost as though we were meeting for the first time outside his Club in London .
14 And they 're looking for the first little thing !
15 they 're advertising for the first time or the last ad
16 This is so unexpected when it is encountered for the first time that it feels like a deliberate deception .
17 Here the use of the definite article with ‘ driver ’ seems quite appropriate , even though he is mentioned for the first time .
18 It was attended for the first time by observers from China and France , neither of which was a signatory of the treaty .
19 When a dispute arose under the contract , it was discovered for the first time that the copy returned by B had a number of terms printed on the back , in German , including a clause conferring jurisdiction in relation to disputes under the contract on the German courts .
20 It was certified for the first time in 1986 .
21 Moreover it was becoming for the first time , as a result of Peter 's administrative reforms , an institution concerned solely with diplomacy .
22 I knew then that what I was telling him he was hearing for the first time .
23 In December 1954 he was ridden for the first time by the reigning champion jockey Dick Francis : after the race Francis told Cazalet that he would like to ride Devon Loch one day in the Grand National …
24 He was chosen for the first match but had to drop out with food poisoning .
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