Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [verb] to [pers pn] as " in BNC.

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1 If I was talking to you as my pal , I 'd get done for idling my time .
2 ‘ If you 're referring to me as a — ’
3 She was talking to him as if he was grown-up and it made him feel uncomfortable .
4 It was n't as if she was attracted to him as an individual .
5 They were given to me as a present .
6 Law , that is to say , is made valid by my experience of it , and not by the fact that it is presented to me as law .
7 We identify a stretch of language as a text partly because it is presented to us as a text , and we therefore do our utmost to make sense of it as a unit , and partly because we perceive connections within and among its sentences .
8 He is talking to me as if I could be a partner in his business : he is drawing me in .
9 It was sent to me as a review copy .
10 It was given to me as a present so I 'd feel funny about selling it myself , but you could maybe buy a pair of shoes for Sonja with it or something .
11 ‘ Abraham ‘ believed God , and it was reckoned to him as righteousness ’ ( Galatians 3.6 ) .
12 It was presented to them as a detective game in which they were encouraged to help the Pink Panther to solve some mysteries .
13 Simon Brown J. cited no authority for this dictum , so far as it related to the possibility of supervisory jurisdiction of the High Court over the visitors to the Inns of Court , but it was cited to us as an example of a suggested parallel with the supervisory jurisdiction which the High Court undoubtedly exercises in other contexts which in some respects may be thought to be comparable .
14 When it was suggested to them as a possibility it was understood by them as an opportunity for a breathing space in the absence of any other alternative .
15 Er in fact it was put to me as as an option by Superintendent that this could be , if this could be done er at the time er if I recall one of the reasons erm that we were n't able to do it in such a way was that there are numerous exits to the block of flats and each exit would have had to be covered by at least two armed officers we only only had in the region of twenty five officers available to us at that time in the police who were authorised to be armed and to maintain such a surveillance , erm not only would be very costly in the terms of the number of officers .
16 He was assigned to me as armourer and tail gunner .
17 She knew he was speaking to her as if she were either an idiot or a child but the momentary fight had quite gone and she just nodded , looking up at him .
18 He was introduced to it as a game played in the garden before coming north from Devon in 1970 .
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