Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [verb] [indef pn] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Bearing in mind that I 'm taking one in a fortnight 's time .
2 I 'm wanting one in the kitchen .
3 However , one afternoon perhaps two weeks after our conversation in my pantry , I was doing something in the library when Miss Kenton came in and said :
4 We 're not talking of a conversion of ten to fifteen thousand dwellings with erm new building being reduced considerably , we are talking something in the order of magnitude of what has been happening in the past .
5 But I think we 're seeing something in the Forest side we have n't see for what twelve fourteen years are we .
6 I think there 's still too much ‘ You do that , you do this ’ in the big record companies , but that 's bollocks too , because without the artists knowing what they 're doing nobody in the record company would have a job . ’
7 I think I think there was som some sent to Chester for example , I think they were doing something in the cathedral in Chester .
8 It 's as hard to do justice to the beauty of the Eternal City in a few words as it is to see everything in a few days .
9 Mrs Maugham would often abuse this garden and the widower 's laziness , with a self-righteous , alarming complacency , saying that it was a scandal and a disgrace , and that it ought not to be allowed : and when one day Clara , exasperated , as she sometimes rashly was , out of her usual silence , asked her what harm it was doing anybody , Mrs Maugham had snapped triumphantly that it was harming everybody in the street , because it helped the weeds to spread .
10 He was waving something in the air and laughing .
11 I walked in there and I can se he had a he had a er some copies and and er he was getting one in the bloody phone !
12 He was burning something in a small crucible , watching it bubble .
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