Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv prt] [coord] put [pron] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Urging them on or putting them down .
2 Vivienne would pick them up and say , it 's alright I 'll just wash them down and put them back on the rack .
3 I mean that does n't help as well , I know Sainsbury 's or Tesco 's and you have to keep taking them off and putting them on
4 He chucks them off and puts them back on again .
5 Then they take you out and put you back on the slab and you are lying there absolutely stark naked in a stone room with three masked people looking at you .
6 Particularly if there 's any suggestion that anything a bit like hypnosis has been used um this er business of of well it must be the therapist making them up or putting them up to it in some way becomes a particular argument that 's raised quite often .
7 And that if you do n't pick them up and put them back where you got them from , they are still there two weeks later , and the house looks a bit of a tip .
8 She stared at it for a couple of minutes , then , with a prolonged sigh , began to take them out and put them back into the cupboards and drawers .
9 Jennie then asked Katharine to come across the half diagonal in a nice , steady canter , and to imagine ‘ picking him up and putting him down again on the other leg . ’
10 up here and I , I 've been keeping putting it off and putting it off .
11 The upper and working classes , being less verbal , less given to talk of shoulds and oughts between the sheets , have less trouble , if you 'll forgive me , simply getting it up and putting it in , to the relief and satisfaction of everyone concerned .
12 And you have n't got a utility to do it , you just have to take it out and put it back on again ?
13 Rem it rem it out and put it back in later and see if it crashes .
14 And so since that was going to be demolished and built over by a a housing estate anyway , we ripped it out and put it back down here .
15 and it was just a case of erm pot luck , I would sort of brought it out and looked at it and , er no it was n't cooked , it was cooked on the edges so I turned it over and turned it round and put it back in again .
16 I managed to keep afloat then till , as I said we found this half a lifeboat and there was couple of fellows and er I managed to swim over to that and pull myself up on it and for there the inflatable off the standby boat came alongside , picked us up and put us on then standby boat .
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