Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv prt] [coord] [verb] he [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I 've had to go back up in to him , yeah , but I do n't know what happened last night , I do n't know whether he was not quite tired enough , erm , he must of got up as soon as I put him down and started sort of moaning then I went into the girls and I sorted them out he started screaming he did , so I had to go to him in and lay him down and making him lay down
2 But the Hank in his mind , the one who calmed him down and cheered him up and got him going in a sensible way — she was just the sort of fantasy mother you 'd make up if your own mother was too strong , too passionate , too overwhelming .
3 ‘ Sponge him down and turn him out , ’ Henry said .
4 ‘ I calmed him down and checked him over and then the ambulance took over . ’
5 But the playmaster himself came to look him over and turn him about and about , examining him through narrowed eyes and hearing over his lines .
6 He surfaced , briefly , but the swell rolled him over and drove him down again before he 'd even had time to draw breath .
7 Well you can drop him off and pick him up .
8 If you 've got an enemy out there , you either buy him off or take him out ; that 's how I see it .
9 Apparently he promised not to attack Douglas Hurd personally , but then quotes stitched him up and hung him out to dry over the classlessness thing .
10 Is that , I thought that the card and Serve take it out for the doctors a few weeks back when he got your bronchitis and you were n't too well and erm , car picked him up and took him up there , then you get
11 sleep while he was like that so I picked him up and took him back downstairs again ,
12 I heard you both the other day raising your voices , I think you stir him up and lead him on .
13 If you cut him up and pulled him out of your body — which is what they do — ’
14 ’ Well , look , spruce him up and send him in .
15 Jennie then asked Katharine to come across the half diagonal in a nice , steady canter , and to imagine ‘ picking him up and putting him down again on the other leg . ’
16 He lived and played and wrote and toured frenetically for the next couple of years , working night and day — with just a little help from Benzedrine , Methedrine , and anything else that would speed him up or slow him down .
17 " We 're going to take him out and show him round . "
18 Well — he would not , and the laird turned him out for it — he turned him out and sent him off and we have had no land since and he put nobody else into Upper Farrochil — he only wanted it for himself .
19 Who was mucking him out and hosing him down ?
20 Do you have to walk miles to turn him out or bring him in ?
21 I grabbed his wrist and broke it , spinning him round and holding him up .
22 His whole body felt bruised from the speed at which Doyle had dragged him round and thrown him on to the floor when they heard the shout outside .
23 Strong hands turned him round and helped him out into the street again .
24 ‘ Do n't want you collapsing on us — not good for the department 's reputation , ’ she joked lightly , and wheeled him round and handed him over to his wife .
25 ‘ He hit me with the Christmas tree , so I picked it up and hit him back , ’ Lorraine told bemused police in Newport , Gwent , yesterday .
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