Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb -s] at the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Her sensitivity at all times to what will run in Cabinet is genuine , even though she always lets colleagues know what she wants at the outset of any discussion .
2 She looks at the bits of paper on the floor , but she do n't say nothing .
3 The tears are thought to be caused by her pain as she looks at the sins of the world , and are meant to inspire the watchers to repent and to set an example to others .
4 Mary Douglas has dealt with this extensively in Purity and Danger , where , amongst other sources , she looks at the Book of Leviticus in these terms .
5 Sh she shouts at the top of her voice at 'im .
6 it 's an old , old house but she says at the top of the house
7 Zerrer like her assistant Margo , who is busying herself about the Centre supervising clients as they get into their goggles , turns out to be , unsurprisingly , a new age devotee , though she cringes at the mention of the words .
8 She jabs at the back of her throat , opening her mouth wide .
9 A statue to him stands at the junction of Seagate and Castle Street , Irvine .
10 It 's funny that he flags at the interests of the party of crime .
11 Since the quadrupling of the defence budget in 1950–55 , the president 's main source of power has come from the fact that he sits at the head of a great ‘ national security state ’ — to adopt the phrase of Daniel Patrick Moynihan , a Democratic senator .
12 For example the owner of a motor vehicle can be said to use it where he sits at the side of the driver , who is not his employee and the vehicle is being used for his purpose ( Cobb v Williams [ 1973 ] RTR 1 13 ) .
13 If it sits at the bottom of your belly , glowering like a smouldering fire , threatening to explode suddenly at any time and paralyse you ?
14 If he looks at the dates of all those expressions , he will see that we published our statement in May , even after my hon. Friend the Member for Dagenham ( Mr. Gould ) had made his remarks .
15 Finally , he looks at the availability of the basic data which are accessible to researchers in child care ; to the kind of housekeeping information that should be kept by organizations and which if it is , makes it unnecessary for researchers to start from scratch every time .
16 He looks at the bags of plasma : 15,000 ccs have been moved through Ali .
17 But I would make clear to Mr if he looks at the minutes of the budget review sub-committee , that the suggestion of the director of property services wastes his time fully exploring all options for the disposal of all or any part of the County Farms estate , for which he probably asks for a large amount of money , since it involves an enormous amount of wasted time , is not been agreed , it 's a non-delegated item , it was a recommendation of this committee which has not been moved at this committee , and it was a most unfortunate and woolly form of words .
18 He looks at the front of her clothing and makes a note .
19 M17 , the Omega Nebula , is of the same type ; it lies at the edge of Sagittarius , and is in the same × 7 field with Gamma Scuti .
20 It lies at the heart of our philosophy .
21 The argument over decentralisation will probably dominate political debate in the future , because it lies at the heart of the Tamil issue .
22 The CSA 1985 , which is by far the most important piece of legislation , in that it lies at the heart of anti-insider dealing regulation in the UK , outlines the substantive elements of insider dealing offences .
23 The main reason for this difference , and it lies at the heart of the distinction between many public and private sector organizations , is the central role that the budget plays in fixing the level and distribution of taxation in governments .
24 We both know it lies at the heart of this mystery . ’
25 It lies at the heart of Europe , which means that we must be not in a minority of one but right there where the decisions are made .
26 It lies at the heart of the two-volume world chronicle of Bishop Freculf of Lisieux , who dedicated Book II of these gesta imperatorum to Judith , for use in the education of her son .
27 It lies at the mouth of the Kaprun valley , to the south west of Salzburg , and together with Zell am See , it forms part of the ‘ Europa Sport Region ’ .
28 He lies at the edge of the town ,
29 The insider must also know that the information he holds at the time of the trades in question is unpublished price sensitive information .
30 It stands at the crest of the hill , which falls away to Queen Mary Boulevard , North Montreal and Saint-Hubert .
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