Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb -s] been [v-ing] [adv prt] with " in BNC.

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1 She 's been going out with him two or three year has n't she June ?
2 She 's been going out with her boyfriend for a year today and they get on so well !
3 ‘ So she 's been coming down with you , has she ? ’ asked Greg .
4 He has been jumping around with all the other children in the ward . ’
5 Now at 16 Steven has a steady girlfriend of 15 , who he has been going out with for several months .
6 It will produce a series of prototype versions of the Mach microkernel it has been working on with experimental extensions for real-time and high-trust portable working across a range of hardware architectures , especially non-shared memory supercomputers .
7 It will produce a series of prototype versions of the Mach microkernel it has been working on with experimental extensions for real-time and high-trust portable across a range of hardware architectures , especially non-shared memory supercomputers .
8 All right , I 'm , I 'm never speaking to you again because ever since you dumped him he 's been hanging around with us and he 's pissing me off !
9 HE 'S been running off with the toilet rolls — and viewers ' affections — for 21 years .
10 He 's been shacking up with a girl from Bonanza 's club for months .
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