Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb -s] [vb pp] the [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She has spent the last year following her sailing pursuits but this year she gave priority to her GCSE exams and has done much less sailing .
2 Erm , but in fact , she 's she 's missed the third sentence and , where she said that the rose has withstood many sicknesses and evils , erm , whereas in fact , what it says is it withstands and succours against sicknesses and evils , which is a totally different element .
3 Cos she 's got the last session has n't she ?
4 He has mislaid the last thread of that natty rig he had recently and is entirely back in cap , scarf and corduroy .
5 More recently , he has emphasised the second view , stating ( 1982b ) " rather than 'decreolisation' , we have : variation within Creole ; variation within English , as well as switching between the two …
6 Woodbury , New York-based Cablevision Systems Corp says it has completed the first stage of its electronic superhighway to homes , businesses and institutions in the New York metropolitan area : the $300m project , scheduled for completion in 1995 , involves installation of over 3,000 miles of fibre network .
7 SunSoft Inc also says that it has reached the second milestone in its Project DOE Distributed Objects Everywhere programme and completed a distributed object system consisting of the DOMF Distributed Object Management Facility , SunSoft 's implementation of the Object Management Group 's Common Object Request Broker Architecture specification , and a set of system objects .
8 It has survived the first crisis of its independent life .
9 After years of anticipation , the Taiwanese-backed NuTek USA Corp in Cupertino , California has finally come down to the wire with its Macintosh-compatible technology : the company claims that it has developed the first machine that emulates the Macintosh without requiring installation of Apple Computer Inc 's proprietary ROMs .
10 Ottawa , Canada-based , ObjecTime Ltd , a Canadian Bell Northern Research Inc subsidiary , claims it has developed the first Unix object-oriented CASE tool for real-time applications , ObjecTime .
11 In the Britain in Bloom competitions it has won the first prize in the Village Section successively for Yorkshire and Humberside ( for which it retained the Challenge Shield after winning three times ) , England and the United Kingdom .
12 Okay , now it 's got two versions , it 's got the first version which is a short version okay ?
13 Erm because it 's got the Next label on it and I like that outfit .
14 And not only that er go into the Newcastle Evening Chronicle it 's dumped the next day .
15 cos he 's done the last bit ,
16 And then someone has a conversation with someone else and then someone else has a conversation with someone else and if a man was to walk right the way through the police station he has about five or six conversations , and by the time he gets to the other end of the police station he 's forgotten the first conversation .
17 So once he 's paid the first payment by the fifth of January .
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