Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb -s] [adv] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Wilkinson was in no doubt how his team had benefited : ‘ The fact I was able to work so hard with them has definitely made a big difference and helped improve my back four .
2 I says only got a pink form if you 've got a fixed penalty .
3 She goes on to make a new life in Hampshire with Harry still remaining ignorant of her great change and her children , of which she is extremely fond , remaining unaffected .
4 She says she has not lost a single client and has already won several new audit clients .
5 She has not seen a single second of the Costa Del Sol soap since .
6 She looked relaxed at a Guildhall lunch but a spokesman said : ‘ She has no plans to travel to Scotland at present but she has not made a final decision . ’
7 This artist differs from the others reviewed here in that she has not used a gendered figure in her drawings and has given form to the contradictions of intuitive emotion and insight in non-figurative sculpture .
8 Of the 514 , she has managed to research all but two : one has the common name E. Clarke and so could be anyone , she says , but the other , ‘ Loten ’ , is so unusual she has n't found a single reference to it .
9 I 'll bet she has n't had a decent meal since her own funeral .
10 She 's DEVOTED to him — she has n't signed a pre-nuptial agreement
11 Is my hon. Friend aware that she has just scored a marvellous bull 's eye ?
12 ‘ Diana came off that plane in Korea as if she has just had a stand-up row with Charles , ’ the aide said .
13 Those who say they like washing up do not like the task itself — one woman likes it because she has a dishwasher , one because she has just acquired a new stainless steel sink , and the third likes it merely ‘ to get it out of the way ’ .
14 ‘ Besides being a tower of strength in education , ’ said Burrow , ‘ she has also made a systematic and significant contribution to our membership recruitment drives in collating more than 700 names and addresses of potential members from strategically important organisations . ’
15 She has also made a concerted effort to improve her knowledge .
16 She has also got a substantial cruising specification which includes , Watermaker , Heating to all cabins , Generator , Icemaker , Burglar alarm , TV-Video-CD player , sep .
17 She has lately developed a tiresome habit of becoming a mere compendium of Paxford 's views ; every conceivable topic is met with a reply beginning ‘ Paxford says ’ .
18 She has already passed a rigorous selection weekend to qualify for the trip .
19 She has already amassed a small hoard of junk , she is like my children , they can not bear to throw things out .
20 This is her first season with Senior League side Portadown and she has already established a regular place on the firsts , developing at the same time into one of the most promising players in the country .
21 After being sentenced the sex-slave image remains , but she has now become a wronged mother ( Daily Mail ) or mum ( Sun ) .
22 She has recently done a six-figure deal with Carol Smith for world volume rights in three books by ‘ bestselling novelist and TV personality ’ Denise Robertson , the first of which will be published in September 1994 .
23 She has recently started a new job and feels attracted to a senior female colleague who is rumoured to be gay .
24 But she has never seen a real hummingbird .
25 She has never used a great deal of make-up .
26 Julian reached a far smaller audience than any of these later reformers and she has never had a decisive effect on the history of Christianity as they did , but she has acquired a considerable following in our own day .
27 A Coventry couple with two children : she has never had a paid job , he worked until recently in a Birmingham car factory where his last take-home pay was £65 .
28 She has never had a stronger string of horses and must be a runner for our Olympic team .
29 She hopes eventually to make a thorough map of the village and also publish a book .
30 This hostility at best would be similar to blaming someone because he or she does not speak a foreign language .
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