Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb -s] [pron] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And er I gets him down and I gets him into the stable , and I gets all the clothes off him and he gets into a bag , a bran bag , more bags and lay down and covered himself , and I hung his clothes round the boiler fire .
2 She has plenty of the proper sort . ’
3 Relations between the Prime Minister and Nigel Lawson may still be strained ( she blames him for the present difficulties ) .
4 Now she wears nothing but the same thing , and always .
5 She regards me with the same bright smile as her child 's , but tears are rolling down her face and her eyes say , ‘ I 'm losing her . ’
6 She tells us about the two deaths of co-skipper Alexei Grishenko and Janne Gustavsson both friends for whom she grieved .
7 John gives Mary the coin , she hides it in the red box for safe-keeping and departs .
8 If Eleanor Darcy can manage a private room in a prison , perhaps she manages one in the local pub as well ?
9 If she does so and the husband purchases the replacement house for her , and she occupies it on the same terms , a subsequent transfer to her of that house will not be within the terms of the concession ( see p18 ) because that house will never have been a matrimonial home .
10 During this period she herds stray animals to her seashore cave , where she feeds them during the cold months .
11 I 'm aching to run , but make myself sit for a second while she watches me through the black circles .
12 Environmental issues are also important to Alison although she believes none of the major parties have a good green record .
13 When parents criticize or disapprove of what their children do ( when unacceptable ) , the fact that their offspring love and respect them puts them on the same side as their parents ; it means that they will take what is being said seriously , and will emulate them by beginning to criticize their bad behaviour themselves !
14 At rest the cricket looks like a dead leaf , but it transforms itself at the last moment .
15 Brahe ‘ shows ’ Epstein his work — that is , he flies him around the 30-kilometer circumference of the accelerator which is buried deep underground , pinpointing the surface features and describing their relation to the features concealed below the surface .
16 I found the way here when I was a boy , and it spoils you for the human world .
17 With feet of lead he pitches us into the high winds with the wisdom of a professional .
18 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures : he leadeth me beside the still waters .
19 It must be admitted that a great deal of what Judaeo-Christianity has to say about the ‘ goodness ’ of God is based upon claims about the way in which He involves himself in the historical process .
20 Holding it up , he shouts something to the two Tibetans by the fire .
21 He has none of the other worries or tasks that you have to deal with daily .
22 He is carrying the map the class have made , which his " friend " has delivered ; he thanks them for the excellent job they have done .
23 It has something of the African tomtom and voodoo dance . ’
24 Within the Rolling Stone thing , I mean , part of it has you as the chief designer and you have to accept the notion that two heads are better than one , which means designers can not
25 While this contributes to crime prevention , especially with respect to joy-riders who steal and drive cars at speed at might ( which requires neighbourhood men in West Belfast to work might duty ) , it has none of the wider community service functions evident in Easton .
26 Simpson still delays taking the kick , now it comes in , he knocks it into the far post , looking for Paul .
27 Reg. v. Grant and Hewitt , 12 J.L.R. 585 , although it adds nothing to the established principles , is an example of inconsistent previous statements wrongly withheld by the Crown at the trial but properly , if belatedly , disclosed on appeal , so that a conviction depending on evidence of identification was quashed for want of a fair trial .
28 If reliability is defined in terms of the production of truth , it adds nothing to the first condition once we restrict our attention to the particular case .
29 If it is defined in terms of justification , it adds nothing to the third .
30 Then he says something about the formal appeal of this sculpture to twentieth-century Western taste , because of its freedom from the canon of realism :
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