Example sentences of "[pers pn] [was/were] at [art] [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , on one of my visits I was at a meeting when I heard some commotion outside and asked what it was .
2 I 'm a member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers and er because I 'm by background an electronics engineer and I was at a meeting there where a chap was giving a talk on design express lifts you know at Northampton and the Chairman stood up and introduced doctor whoever he was sat down turned round to me in the second row and said could you give a vote of thanks at the end .
3 I was at a stage where I was used to getting something like cannabis or whatever and , with none of that being around , I thought a bit of this wo n't do me any harm and it just took off from there .
4 I was at a stage where I was used to getting something like cannabis or whatever and with none a that being round I thought a bita this wo n't do me any harm and it just took off from there … .
5 Then I did get a break because I was at a party where there were lots of television producers who like to relax and let their hair down , fall out of windows and things like that .
6 I felt as if I was at a milestone now , on the threshold of something .
7 I was at the Embassy then , and it used to be very busy .
8 I was at the time very concerned , because he was posted almost immediately to North Africa , and there was no chance of helping him forward in the early days of his Christian life .
9 You were at the Tower today , Sir John ? ’
10 She could see she was at the point where the police might be going to do some hard questioning .
11 We were at a night out .
12 We were at a track well away from the hotel that the Italians had euphemistically dubbed the Athletes ' Village , and well away from the training track that was adjacent to the Olympic Stadium .
13 Now , as I have said , Mandeville led us , the Santerres behind with their small retinue whilst we were at the back just before the cart .
14 Yeah last time we were at the back though
15 Anyway , we were at the top already .
16 We were at the centre yesterday with Frank and Joy
17 come out again police come out of the ca er er they were at the car there oh I said that 's my car , he said oh yeah , I said yeah , he said , what 's your name ?
18 And I have stayed ever since because when I joined Roadwatch it was at a time when they were developing from just 15 information stations throughout the country — there are now almost 100 .
19 ‘ When I discovered I was pregnant , it was at a time when I was very manic about the group , I felt it was my mission .
20 This experience was invaluable when I went to college , for it was at a time when students in training were being told that if a lesson was interesting enough , children would listen .
21 It was at a time when there was a big age difference : the elder students were ex-soldiers .
22 It was at a time when many lesbians , angry at the lack of weight given to women 's issues within the mixed movement and at the continuing sexism of many gay men , chose to prioritize work with the women 's movement .
23 It was at a time when Joyce had brought proceedings for divorce against his first wife , an action which ended in the dissolution of the marriage in 1936 .
24 The Arab world was alarmed at the implications of the new Cabinet for the peace process , formed as it was at a time when the USA was considering breaking off its 16-month dialogue with the PLO , following the abortive raid on the Israeli coast on May 30 [ see this page for breaking off of dialogue on June 20 ] .
25 If it was at the bottom where it 's flat , where you just , you 're just coming down , and then you started to go up again , just at the bottom there , it 's , it 's zero for
26 It was at the school yesterday , rather .
27 It was at , it was at the place where the football where you got us a grant playing with those little scum .
28 It was at the time when The Jesus And Mary Chain were just beginning to bumble along .
29 Then in late July I had my clubs stolen again I had left them for ten minutes at about 9.30pm and when I came back they were gone and it was at the time when I was about to play in two large junior competitions .
30 ‘ I think he was at a stage where he dare not sleep .
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