Example sentences of "[pers pn] [was/were] [adj] [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Despite this coup I was disappointed to find at the end of our first month that the shop had made a loss of over three pounds which meant I was n't able to return a penny piece to Daphne .
2 Since daylight was flooding into the world , I was able to stay at a distance and keep him in sight .
3 also , I was able to work at the painting knowing I could obliterate any unwanted areas ; this gave me the freedom I needed .
4 She spotted Adam almost as soon as she entered the club , but though he was sitting only a short distance away with a stocky sandy-haired man she did n't recognise , it took her some time to reach his table , since she was obliged to stop at every few strides to talk to customers .
5 Apparently they do a commemorative gig every year at the same pub where we were all based at the time . ’
6 We were all shooting at the crowds , as if the guns were not loaded , and only meant to frighten them .
7 We were wrong to laugh at the idea of Europeans mastering football , ’ said Chapman in the Sunday Express after the game .
8 ‘ We only met walking round Aurae Phiala yesterday , and then found we were both staying at the same pub .
9 this time we were able to stand at a distance from it all and weigh it up and write better songs .
10 ‘ Sometimes , when there are three thousand people hanging on every note , I find myself wishing they were all stood at the bar and facing the other way .
11 And they were all haemorrhaging at the back .
12 They all came from similar backgrounds and , as like minds , they were all congregating at the same place for the same reasons .
13 The authors put the materials together while they were all working at the University of Strathclyde , primarily on the Programme in Literary Linguistics .
14 They kept running into one another because they were all staring at the sky .
15 He was saying , ‘ Now we 'll go over to the bees , ’ and he went over and they were all lying at the bottom .
16 ‘ Taki told me they were all sitting at a table telling jokes over dinner when suddenly there was a royal command — a spoon tinkling on a glass .
17 With these , but with no filming permits , since they were impossible to obtain at the time , we winged it to the steaming metropolis of Jakarta .
18 And they were shocked to hear at the end of the three-month trial that Allitt suffered from a dangerous personality disorder .
19 These ‘ drawings ’ may well have influenced both Dada and Surrealism as they were first published at a time when André Breton was championing automatism and mediumism .
20 For a moment they were both looking at the gold band on Emilia 's wedding-finger .
21 During his first march into the west Gorbad broke into many Dwarf tombs and stole the magic weapons they contained , an act of desecration that enraged the Dwarfs but which they were powerless to prevent at the time .
22 He and Shinwell had told the Central Authority at their first meeting in September 1947 that , while general price rises could be ruled out , they were prepared to look at the possibility of controlling demand at peak times by differentially higher prices for peak use or by mechanical load-restricting devices .
23 Willi Herget , a Luftwaffe nightfighter ace with 74 confirmed kills , told me that halfway along this track it was easy to guess at the target , because a line of burning British bombers pointed the way to Nuremburg .
24 It was first presented at the ESRC Workshop on Ageing at the University of Surrey , September 1986 .
25 It was first performed at a meeting of the Tonkünstler-Societät in December .
26 It was possible to hate at the same time as you loved .
27 When he invited Derek to confirm the existence of Tristram Abberley 's letters to his sister , it was impossible to guess at the purpose of his enquiry .
28 Thus , to explain what was happening to cities it was necessary to look at the characteristics of cities .
29 This case was so complex and difficult that it filled many books of written record and there was so much opposing evidence that it was difficult to get at the truth , but he at last clarified everything and settled it with such skill and wisdom that all commended his extreme cleverness .
30 He concluded that it was proper to look at the GUS group as a single entity .
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