Example sentences of "[pers pn] [was/were] [verb] [adv prt] for the " in BNC.

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1 At eighteen , I was called up for the Army and I was three years there .
2 I was operated on for the first time when I was two or three weeks old .
3 In addition to having worked in Germany and the USSR , and lived for some time before the war in France , I was brought up for the first five years of my life in India in a native state where I was the only white child .
4 And er I was put up for the committee and was successful and sat on the committee for quite a number of years .
5 The cops worked shifts , but I was booked in for the run .
6 At the time , Belinda had merely thought she was resting up for the party .
7 She 'd never thought she was cut out for the domestic life , but she was surprised to find just how satisfying and fulfilling it really was .
8 Clearly Helen has looked for ‘ explanations ’ to help her deal with such a painful experience , and the one she seems to have come up with is that she was picked on for the way she looks .
9 The taxi driver who left us at the station , enchanted by the idea that we were setting off for the source of the Nile , refused to accept any fare .
10 I think that year we were making up for the limitations of the one before .
11 The last ten minutes of the journey were so exciting , I just could n't wait to plonk my feet in a nice bowl of water , then we reached the village we were to stay in for the next three weeks .
12 RUGBY Union rookies Tony Underwood and Martin Hynes received a boost to their England hopes yesterday when they were called up for the today 's game against Leicester .
13 At the back of the house was a lock-up gaol and if any one caused any trouble they were locked up for the night , then transported the next morning by the local ‘ taxi ’ , which was a horse and cart , to the police station at Brough to be tried .
14 But while they were gearing up for the Hi-de-Hi job , Wirral 's Arrowe Park and Clatterbridge hospitals went short of clean bedlinen .
15 They were cleaned up for the arrival of summer and then it was not unusual if they were repaired before the onslaught of winter .
16 He sent her some of his notes of what he had seen in their walks and frequently let her see his ‘ papers ’ before they were copied out for the editors .
17 So that 's when I was eating my dinner , when they were going up for the cup and she fell asleep , well you know with the wine in you , here was my eyes all out for the count .
18 It was set up for the administrative convenience of the London banks and the defendant and has been used principally in connection with the buying and selling of stocks and shares on the London market .
19 It was dreamed up for the Monkees and its original conception was supposed to loosely parody the Beatles ' films A Hard Day 's Night and Help .
20 I followed him out of the City until I was convinced he was packing up for the day .
21 In a game against Aberdeen , he was sent off for the 13th time in his career for fouling John McMaster , and the Pittodrie player was taken to hospital with neck injuries .
22 When Bud moved south to West Bromwich Albion in 1976 , he found himself in a deep trouble after a game against Brighton , when he was sent off for the unpardonable offence of kicking a referee .
23 They had fetched him for Christmas and he was staying on for the New Year .
24 But , although winning a famous victory over ( Sir ) Winston Churchill to become Labour MP for Dundee in November 1922 , he was passed over for the foreign secretaryship of the first Labour government fourteen months later .
25 Although Clinton 's campaign chairman , Mickey Kantor , was among the transition team , he was passed over for the leadership after negative press reports and reservations from within the Clinton camp concerning his style and his role as a prominent lobbyist .
26 He was closing in for the kill .
27 Afraid she might doze off if she gave in to temptation and lay down on the bed , she sat down instead on the room 's only chair , and picked up a book , absorbing not a single word as she waited for the sounds that would mean he was turning in for the night .
28 Thinking how quiet she 'd gone when he said he was coming up for the funeral and how she 'd seemed to withdraw into herself .
29 He said he was going in for the Spot the Talent competition at the Easter Fete .
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