Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [adj] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I felt a little shy : all those things we had written — would I be able to translate them into physical action , into real , spoken words ?
2 ‘ Shall I be able to reach you at 1027 , Westminster Drive ? ’ she asked .
3 Would I be able to hear you through that , yeah .
4 A : hello Mr Parkin this is Guy Cook here B : yes A : er do you remember um sending us a er an estimate for electrical repairs * for a hundred and fifty pounds * well I 've er just had a word with the Electricity Board with an engineer called Mr Golding and he tells me that the er the list of jobs you gave us unless there 's any special circumstances should not be more than around one hundred pounds B : oh * A : well he said he 'd have to look at it of course but er is there some special reason why you thought it would cost more A : well would you be prepared to do it for the price he quoted B : no A : well why not B : I ca n't afford it not with my wages and overheads £ I have A : well £ why should I pay an extra fifty pounds if I can get it done cheaper * B : well if you can do that * do
5 If you had £100 000 of savings , would you be prepared to lend it to a friend to buy a house if the friend was going to take 25 years to pay it back ?
6 ‘ Will you be able to finish it in time ? ’
7 Going along the road , er on the A Nineteen , from the north towards er the village er if one assumed that there were to be some development on site D forty , would you be able to see it from the road ?
8 Will you be able to provide me with a erm WordPerfect package ?
9 Would you be able to hear me through that ?
10 Will you be able to get them in the morning ? ’
11 When we ger this fantasy football stuff going , would we be able to put it on a different server .
12 ‘ Fool , ’ said Rhodri impatiently , ‘ would they be likely to send it by one palpably dishonest ?
13 And if this 6Mb does exist , would it be possible to recover it for general use ?
14 Nor would it be possible to refer him to any works of literature ( before the present one ) from which he could gain enlightenment .
15 If there was no shot in or among the human remains , in the cavities of the skull for instance , would it be possible to find it in the soil , among the sand and gravel and pine needles ?
16 A properly signed and endorsed witness statement will carry more weight than a transcript should it be necessary to admit it under the Civil Evidence Act in the event of the witness being unable to give evidence at trial .
17 Would he be content to leave her in charge of Thomas and merely check on his progress from time to time , or might he endeavour to wield control in her — his — their son 's life ?
18 ‘ Will he be able to cure her of being in love with you ? ’
19 Could he be afraid to put them into words ?
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