Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [adj] [to-vb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The candidate whose immediate queries are along the lines of , ‘ When will I get my first pay rise ? ’ , or ‘ Will I be able to go on holiday in July ? ’ will probably not be putting the job first and certainly lacks the good sense and tact to make it appear to be the priority .
2 How else would I be able to think of states of affairs that are merely possible ?
3 ‘ But presumably not ambitious , else why should she be content to remain at Larksoken ? ’
4 I 'm wondering if I should ring them actually , from unit , and ask them if tell them what 's happening and will she be able to go on Income Support if she does give it up ?
5 So would you be likely to speak to John saying again would n't like to pressure Jean again but think John would like
6 In Sinead 's interview , she proposed a motion which says : ‘ If everyone else was going to do it , would you be prepared to live without money ? ’
7 Will you be able to call for help if you need it ?
8 Only if you do that will you be able to say with confidence that I am wrong , that what I am suggesting has not yet come to pass , that there is still time .
9 Why now should they be prepared to recognise as Messiah precisely the imperial authority which , three centuries before , had crucified Jesus — and which continued to practise execution by crucifixion on rebels against the State ?
10 Seventhly , if the German states were to express themselves for initiating movement toward German unity , would they be ready to take into consideration the interests of other European states and to seek , on a mutually acceptable collective basis , answers to all questions and problems that might arise in that regard ?
11 Would it be possible to speak to Oliver ?
12 ‘ Would it be possible to speak to Comrade Charsky ? ’ she said mockingly in Kropotkin 's husky , languid , somewhat condescending tones .
13 Is now a good time to buy an annuity , or would it be better to wait for rates to go back up again ?
14 Would he be able to come to terms with them , as she , herself , had begun to , albeit reluctantly ?
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