Example sentences of "[pers pn] [is] [vb pp] by [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The general rule is well established that if a person signs a document which contains contract terms , he/she is bound by those terms , provided that the document was presented for signature before the contract was concluded .
2 Which means , as we 've already remarked , that it 's caused by some combination of desire and belief : in this case , by Pooh 's desire , not just for honey , but to get a true belief about whether what 's in the pot is honey , and his belief that the way to get that true belief is to taste what 's in the pot .
3 We said they could n't have the corpse if we did n't get it — that 's by the by — but it 's understood by both sides that this is the last of such meetings .
4 It 's followed by more noise , sharp and ugly , as they drag him into the kitchen .
5 The question is , to what extent does the notion of ( loose ) apposition , as it is defined by these criteria , play a role in such an explanation ?
6 As a result , there is a continued shortage of residential care facilities for the full-time residence of mentally handicapped people which is perpetuating the need for mental handicap hospitals to house them , even though it is recognised by all parties that this is to be avoided at all costs .
7 Besides the fact that Mittwoch scuttles her own argument by citing examples such as No newspaper would dare publish his denial where " dare shows modal characteristics precisely in governing the bare infinitive … , yet it is governed by another modal " ( p. 128 ) , and the fact that treating to as a modal auxiliary is in itself highly implausible , this analysis simply begs the question of whether there is a semantic motivation behind the absence of to here .
8 It is supported by many scanner manufacturers , and can in some cases be produced from fax .
9 It is negotiable , and if the drawer is of financial substance or if it is supported by some sort of security , cash may be raised by discounting it , selling it , or lodging it as collateral for a loan .
10 A special form of leasehold is the tenancy from year to year , which continues until notice to put an end to it is given by either party .
11 The Court adjourned the matter until Thursday , ‘ but it is hoped by both parties that by then the current uncertainty and speculation concerning the future of Manchester will have been resolved ’ .
12 A decision is ‘ correct ’ if it is made by that person within the legal system to whose opinion on the existence of fact or law effect will be given by the executive .
13 Furthermore , it is argued by some commentators that , if an attempt were made to trace the redistributive consequences of other types of government policy , e.g. subsidies that are part of industrial policy , then an already very fuzzy picture would become totally confused .
14 It is argued by some workers in artificial intelligence ( such as Boden ) , drawing analogies from neurophysiology , that consciousness is a function of the degree of complexity and connectedness of networks — neural or artificial — but this view has been strongly criticised by Penrose as simplistic and lacking the necessary objective evidence .
15 LIFESPAN RDBI can not access this file while it is locked by another user .
16 This arrangement secures a quiet legal life for the film industry in general , although it is resented by some film-makers who are obliged to tailor their product to BBFC standards in order to secure distribution outlets .
17 I suspect that it is assumed by most people , including those who planned this course of lectures , that language is a means of communication — that this is what it is for ; and that since literature is made out of language , it too must be a kind of communication , as defined by , for instance , the Collins English Dictionary : ‘ the imparting or exchange of information , ideas , feelings ’ .
18 Again , since it is assumed by this act of faith that all individuals are equal in the sight of God , man or both , then dissent must be tolerated and each has the right to put his own point of view .
19 Mr Lawson responded pleasantly : ‘ I am glad that my honourable friend raised that issue because , although it is an absurdity , it is believed by many people other than my honourable friend , who understandably picks up things that he hears other people say . ’
20 A crucial factor is that one witness 's evidence , though plausible , may be rejected because it is contradicted by another witness whose evidence is accepted as being beyond doubt .
21 This is because it knows how desperately it is threatened by this disease .
22 The experience of faith as it is lived by another people , another culture ; the enjoyment of celebrating fiestas ( and that includes the liturgy and the party afterwards ) with the people ; the experience of living amongst a people who never give up the struggle whatever happens and so challenge my own pettiness ; the graciousness of so many of them and the great welcome they gave us .
23 More importantly , this is the relationship as it is perceived by many speakers , both in the Caribbean and in Britain .
24 His present research , to be completed in 1986 , is an examination of the philosophical bases for various theories of first language acquisition ; it develops the thesis that non- verbal language is crucial for this area of enquiry , although it is ignored by most researchers in the field .
25 In February 1980 the Afghan Foreign Minister argued that ‘ the presence of foreign troops in a country , especially when it is requested by that country , is basically not against the principles of non-alignment ’ .
26 Now it is used by all types of banks and it is not uncommon for NBFIs to lend surplus funds through this market .
27 It is a relatively modest measure which should enjoy a trouble-free passage because it is welcomed by both sides of the offshore industry .
28 It is known by many names : the SEM , the Internal Market , the 1992 Programme .
29 This is dialectical , both in the sense that it is marked by many kinds of interplay , as we have seen , and in the sense that at each stage there is retention and extension of existing elements , as well as negation of them .
30 The second major defect in the relative clause proposal is that it does not actually explain anything unless it is supplemented by some account of what a relative clause is .
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