Example sentences of "[pers pn] [is] [verb] [verb] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore it is fitting to remember that such houses are no substitute for fair rent housing from local authorities or housing associations ( Clark 1981 ) .
2 It is startling to discover that many outdoor organisations are unaware of this proposal .
3 As the Minister reconsiders the regular-reserve mix of the Royal Navy , as he promised on 10 December , will he ensure that a proper study of task threats is completed and will he create a supplementary list of personnel whom it is planned to axe until that review of task threats is complete ?
4 One must , of course , always stress the human factor and beware the danger of geographical determinism ; nevertheless , it is revealing to find that 86 per cent of estate villages in Kent had no Dissenting chapel , but that such places of worship were common in the scattered settlements of former forest or wood-pasture zones .
5 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what steps he is taking to ensure that known international terrorists do not receive any support from countries in the middle east with which the United Kingdom maintains diplomatic relations .
6 He is understood to feel that compulsory sales would break up historic estates .
7 You have to remember the amount of insulin he 's given dictates how much he is allowed to eat and that 's OK .
8 He 's waiting to see if this could be his moment again .
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