Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb infin] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Two explosions in quick succession made me throw myself to the ground .
2 Why did I introduce myself as a sceptic about values but not about facts ?
3 May I associate myself with the praise that has been heaped on the know-how fund ?
4 But I have to ask myself this — would I hate myself in the morning ? ’
5 Only after leaving did I glimpse myself in the mirror .
6 Can I propose yourself as the Chair of this Committee ?
7 Why should I put myself to a lot of trouble and difficulty when — perhaps — you could just give the terrorists what they ask and save all the bother ? ’
8 " Now let me see myself in a glass , " Sara said eventually , and when one was brought gave a gasp of surprise , because she had not worn the high collar before or had her hair braided , and although these strange garments were a little uncomfortable and restricting she could n't help admiring the slashed sleeves , the low , square neck and the wonderful wide skirt that swept the stone floor .
9 Why the hell did n't you throw yourself at the door ? ’
10 Do you regard yourself to the left or to the right in politics ?
11 Would you describe yourself as a pessimist ?
12 Would you describe yourself as a pessimist ?
13 Only after these days can she present herself to the priest for ritual atonement of her impurity :
14 Can you amuse yourself for a couple of hours ? ’
15 Then suddenly there was this group of people who asserted that not only could you commit yourself to a member of your own sex , they were actually doing it .
16 Never must she put herself in a position where she might be tempted to betray the fact that she loved him .
17 In the last resort the only satisfactory answer to the question , ‘ Why do you devote yourself to the attempt to understand ? ’ is , ‘ Because I derive so strong a satisfaction from doing so . ’
18 Can they make themselves into a statue of , for example , Anancy playing a trick ?
19 She felt him gather himself like a beast on the powerful springs of its limbs .
20 That 's quite ludicrous , why should they shoot themselves in the foot and is Mr seriously suggesting the same thing ?
21 Would he describe himself as an intellectual ?
22 But how far , even as an occasional visitor , could he isolate himself from the community , from their private tragedies no less than their dinner parties ?
23 Will he address himself to the fact that no less than 44 per cent .
24 Let us content ourselves for the moment with finding out exactly which of the axioms given earlier are required to establish property M. First , then , we prove , giving all the details , Lemma 1.2.1
25 Let us remind ourselves of the grounding formula for choices of ends :
26 Let us imagine ourselves as a reader of Penthouse in order to answer this question .
27 In the meantime , let us address ourselves to the problem of those poor souls on the fo'c's'le .
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