Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] him [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I might say ‘ Yes he s good and I want him to play for Leeds ’ .
2 Next morning I let him sleep until midday .
3 I remember him getting into bed with me .
4 I remember him running into trouble for selling medicines not labelled with the appropriate Patent Medicine Stamps — a form of taxation until the mid-'thirties .
5 And frequently , at the end of his life as much as in A Free Man 's Worship , you find him talking about nature in these highly personalized terms .
6 So we find him circling for months around the insoluble problem of Kee , exulting and then despairing , then exulting again .
7 In another story , between those concerning Abraham 's escapades in Egypt and Gerar , we find him going to war ( ch.
8 By 1611 , we find him mentioned as Sir Maximilian Dalison , Sheriff of Kent .
9 We have him bang to rights on the kiosk heist and Special Forces caught him redhanded holding up the auction room and trying to make off with a green canvas portmanteau . ’
10 They record him burning with anger against those who practised their faith at the expense of others .
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