Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] at [art] [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , if I sell at a time when there 's still a recession on and you see somebody has to get my they had a visit perhaps that was somebody that actually bought a house , not she not
2 But then they 've always got the threat of er er er I mean at the moment there really is n't that threat is there ?
3 I glance at the price-list near by and quote cost .
4 I stare at the page again .
5 I marvel at the way so great a power is falling so gentle on the earth .
6 I think at the point where I was struggling to understand what I could do to help myself , I certainly was n't aware of anything called patient-centred medicine at that point , or group-activity in relation to health .
7 ‘ Eleven I have at the back there . ’
8 Afterwards I drink at a pool quietly .
9 In fact , the best stories work like a toppled pack of cards : you realise at the end why the man could n't have bought the pornography from the dodgy book-seller ( he was blind ) or why the couple should n't have wasted their savings on replacing the diamond necklace ( it was paste ) and think , Aha .
10 Is the point that you 're making is that , that when you look at the evidence later on it sort of conflicts with that ?
11 If you look at the range now available , they suggest that we could use video for these purposes :
12 But , but take er look they , if you look at the terminology here and if , if you take your , okay your point four , overthrowing the feudal rule of the local tyrants and evil gentry .
13 The answer , I think , is quite clear when you look at the definition again , but it is not necessarily clear at first reading .
14 And you look at the chair just to make sure there is n't a pool on there !
15 The very , the very strays are where the wire goes , if you look at the drawing there a bit er , it actually comes in and out you know , one , one of them is actually the same , it actually just comes in and loops in and goes out again and you may
16 If you bear this in mind when you look at the list below , you 'll find that there are a large range of activities that can play a part in your safer sex life .
17 He/she will tell you how much this is at the beginning so you know at the start how much you have to pay .
18 Yeah , and what did you get you see , you get mutations going on in plants so that you get at the moment when the plants themselves are altered , it does n't necessary , necessary mean that they 're killed off , it does n't necessary mean that they are killed off , it means that the actual genes alter , that they go on breathing so you get ginormous sort of cabbages , you know , cabbages that 'll normally be about that size , suddenly become that size
19 You go stupid on yourself for a moment , as the luck wobbles , threatens to fly away and leave you ; you stare at the place where he was , lying curled up , tied up in front of the door ; you stare at the empty stretch of carpet , dumbly , as if staring will help .
20 You should apply the same idea when playing , If you arrive at the course early to loosen up and hit some practice shots ( which can only help your golf ) , try to establish your ‘ thought for the day ’ .
21 If you walk east from the Telephone Bar and Grill , you arrive at the block where Eleanor Marx stayed when she came to New York .
22 This should determine how we look at the Koran now
23 Race 's power to surprise fades as we progress through the 400-odd pages of ‘ raw ’ talk and we arrive at the conclusion more exhausted than enthralled .
24 We arrive at the club only after a series of sluggish and difficult turns around compact city streets .
25 PLAYER : It never varies — we aim at the point where everyone who is marked for death dies .
26 We should be looking to educate and train all people a lot more than we do at the moment where driving is concerned , so that from the very moment you pass your test you can feel confident , other people can feel confident and we can all have confidence on the road .
27 If we start at the top instead of the bottom it 'd be a bloody sight more efficient .
28 WE live at a time when reporters go to foreign countries where there is trouble and come back to write books in which they say that it was hard to make out what was going on .
29 We have at the moment probably one of our most important cases in the RVH , so I was pleased to listen to the shop steward from NUPE , because it is a case that we are funding and doing with NUPE , and the main person who was in that case is here , Rosaleen Davison .
30 What it basically means is that an extrovert tends to tends to have a wide area of interests but wo n't investigate them as much as perhaps that that deeply , and that includes friends as well , and that includes people around them and they look at the wideness rather than the depth .
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