Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] got [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've been thinking about it all the way back from your cottage and I believe I 've got just a tiny little bit of an idea . ’
2 In your handout , somewhere , I 'm afraid I have n't got the pages er , cos I do n't have my handout immediately to hand , er I 've got here a short-term er programme .
3 ‘ Well , my husband says I 've got rather a good voice , ’ she responded .
4 I 've got rather a big order , ’ she said , ‘ mostly for slippers but one or two pairs of shoes I have to make in French calf . ‘
5 Goodness knows I 've got only a bare chance of catching her , though . ’
6 And anything , then national testing I 've got down the twenty four er , week thirty two to week thirty seven .
7 yeah , you know quite hopeful so what I as I say what I 'm really looking for is I 've got a preference for older properties but you know try not to pin myself down to too much at the moment , I 've got about a hundred and thirty to spend so ideally I 'd like a cottage old style but I do need three bedrooms
8 So I 've never smoked them , I 've got about a hundred upstairs
9 Worked out right , but not in sort of , I 've bought some but including the rest of them I 've got about a hundred pounds spending .
10 No , in this country up until Christmas I 've got about a hundred pound include , including getting Christmas presents , from now too December the twenty-sixth .
11 No , I think he 's , I said to Robert I 've got quite a good streak cos I 've never seen Sally
12 They add a bit of spice … and I 've got quite a nasty temper when it 's roused .
13 I 've got quite a nice little collection now .
14 Well no , seems to be quite , I was busy yesterday and , and it seemed to be a really busy week , but a couple of appointments fell down , but I 've got quite a busy night tonight .
15 Well , er I 've got quite a few comments but I 'll ask
16 So my said , Ooh you know what if it does n't you you know you 'd have none for next term sort of thing I said well I 've got quite a few for next term still .
17 Erm if I give you a ring about Sunday or so I will have sorted out cos I 've got quite a few to sort out at the moment .
18 erm right in the book and other ones I 've read , cos I 've also got , well I 've got quite a few journals with
19 Yeah well I 'm , I 'm gon na try and get the final year lecture for Tuesday sorted actually on Saturday and erm it 's usually , it 's usually Guy but I think I 'm doing it this week , yeah , because I 've got quite a few to do on things like racist in the media and Guy 's mate Dennis has just written a book and he 's given me a manuscript of it and it 's about how racist psychology is which is
20 I 've got quite an interesting lot of preachers . ’
21 His mate , driver Sam Webster , gave him a smile of approval and said , ‘ Good lad , young John , now put your injector on , shut it off when you 've got nearly a full ‘ glass ’ , then have a few minutes .
22 ‘ I 'm going to give you a course of antibiotics , Mr Lane — you 've got quite a nasty ear infection there .
23 I think er , having said that , I mean you 've got quite a decent coverage of attitudes and situations in here already .
24 So you 've got quite a good relationship
25 you 're , you 've got quite a good backbone there but you have n't got anything that really grabs my emotions .
26 You 've got a golf course , you 've got quite a few things round here , you 've even , you 've got your school just a bit , you know up past .
27 Erm you 've got quite a few people walking through .
28 Ooh and you 've got quite a few shells .
29 I think you 've got quite a significant amount of money which you could offset what we 've been saying just grieves me .
30 Erm , also inclination of head towards the listener and erm erm , how did they feel that they 'd finished the erm , speaker 's intonation and a drop in volume of voice towards the end , and erm , also you 've got quite a full tags .
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