Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] not [verb] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 They inspect my passport and I do not find favour in their eyes .
2 I do not deny uniformitarianism in its true sense , that is to say , of interpreting the past by means of the processes that we see going on at the present day , so long as we remember that the periodic catastrophe ( including sudden events like the rush of a turbidity current ) is one of those processes .
3 Excuse me I do n't involve cruelty in my training
4 I do n't mean sex in any simple way .
5 Yes er that 's been the essence of what I 've wanted is er I 've , I 've had to have what I 've wanted by hook or by crook , and I do n't mean crook in a bad sense , I mean one way or another , you know what I mean and er I did job for the casters , same as they did jobs for me , you know and that 's how I 've gone through life , that is Michael .
6 of course he had no recipe , although I do n't make custard in micro I would n't know how to do it in microwave
7 I do n't think advertising in TSB or the Prog is going to do that .
8 That 's quite often why I like , when I go down Norbet Street I do n't like parking in Norbet Street itself cos it 's only half an hour if you park down Royal Place it 's
9 But I do n't hate Englishness in any way .
10 I don I do n't put MyMouse in there , I put Mouse in choose which one I want it in Okay .
11 ‘ Partly because they appear on the individual pages - and partly because , if I do n't acknowledge authorship in some way or other , I shall be inundated with enquiries .
12 I have not lost confidence in my ability .
13 You do n't want glue in your veins , do ya ?
14 If you do n't want alcohol in your truffles , you can replace the liqueur with the same amount of strong coffee .
15 So homework has n't , always in on time , okay that 's very brave cos you know that 's the death penalty hand , having hand , what do I do when , when you do n't hand homework in ?
16 you just add water , you do n't need sugar in that , that 's got sugar in there
17 You do n't get water in pieces do you ?
18 However , if you do n't mind fishing in water the colour of Brown Windsor soup , you may have good sport .
19 Whenever my mother and I had visited her from Štanjel , the first thing Aunt Ema always did was to call me into the larder , which was dark and cool , and give me a large spoonful of the most delicious cream from which she used to make butter , saying in the Mavhinje dialect : ‘ Take this , beautiful , because I know that you do n't like cream in your coffee . ’
20 You do n't put sand in people 's pockets do you ?
21 ‘ You do n't go from places like that with three points if you do n't have belief in yourselves . ’
22 Why else would the Americans make the joke ‘ You do n't have weather in England , only samples ( and when I say England , of course I include Wales , Scotland , the Isle of Wight and all the rest ! ) .
23 You do not dismiss love in the way you dismiss your hairdresser .
24 no offence meant and I I really hope that you do not take offence in that way .
25 Does it take , do they take you , you have n't got sand in your play room have you , in your classroom ?
26 I mean , well if you have n't got gauze in your first aid box , but you could have something like a Mediwipe or you might be able to use , open up your bandage and you can use , you know , several pieces of this , just keep going down the bandage and then you know clean it and get rid of that bit , okay , another clean bit okay , so you can adapt with whatever you 've got in your first aid box , yes , and you wo n't necessarily have scissors to hand so you 'll have to do whatever you 've got and the little Mediwipes are very useful for that , but do n't use one Mediwipe for seventy five grazes , okay , one Mediwipe for one wipe and then discard , okay ?
27 I heard him pumping up the pressure and singing a folk song which began , ‘ We do n't smoke pot in Norwich City ’ .
28 Dah dih dah dah , we do n't smoke pot in Norwich City , doo doo … ’
29 There was no comment ; instead he began to sing : ‘ We do n't smoke pot in Norwich City … ’
30 Oh we do n't have milk in coffee .
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