Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] not [verb] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 Maybe in ten , fifteen years the situation may change , but I do n't think enlargement for enlargement 's sake is going to be of benefit to the E C.
2 I do n't have time for lunch , ’ said Sara .
3 I do n't have time for all this rubbish . ’
4 Seymour Cray is still hopeful of bringing his crippled Cray Computer Corp safely in to land , and this week told shareholders that the pay-off will come not with the Cray-3 , but with the Cray-4 the company is developing — ‘ People who predict that things ca n't be done — I guess I do n't have time for them , ’ he told shareholders sternly — ‘ That 's the challenge that I 'm willing to accept in trying to do things that ca n't be done ’ ; the Cray-3 was launched last month , a decade after Cray started work on it , but the Cray-4 is expected to offer twice the performance at half the cost , and the company hopes to demonstrate it by year-end ; it says it has enough cash to fund operations into September and says it is working with two investment banking firms on fund-raising strategies .
5 It 's my work that 's important to me at the moment — I do n't have time for casual affairs .
6 There is one taking place at the moment involving Internal Digital ( DEC ) employees and there seems to be a lot of traffic and interest in it , though I do n't have time for that one .
7 I do n't have time for games , Lori .
8 He 's a fabulous guy and very funny , but it took a long time , and I do n't take credit for it , but it took a long time to put him in a situation where I felt that he was at maximum ‘ comfortableness ’ , so that his shyness — and he was very shy — was overcome .
9 I do n't need gratitude for something which gave me such infinite pleasure .
10 I do n't dare stop for that wants to be away from him .
11 I do n't mind saveloy , I have n't had saveloy for a long while .
12 Cos I have n't taken paracetamol for ages .
13 That is not to say that I have n't got sympathy for the problem that he 's faced with .
14 I have n't got patience for people who are ill
15 ‘ It is not that I have n't got time for girls .
16 I have n't got time for a full match report but Wetheral , and indeed the whole back four , played exceptionally well .
17 We ai n't got time to think about it , I have n't got time for all that .
18 Er , and you start pressurising yourself all day , and it 's the old story , I have n't got time for planning , I 'd better get on with it .
19 Because you 're right , as soon as they make noises like that , I 'll shall say there is the door , get on the other side of it , I have n't got time for it .
20 I have n't got time for a lot of stuff .
21 So I said have you tried Healey He said er no I have n't got time for doing that .
22 ‘ See , she 's an usherette now , so she do n't have time for me no more . ’
23 She do n't have time for him .
24 Now if you do n't improve access for the disabled when you build a new station , you 'll never improve it .
25 You do n't make dance for other choreographers to come and look at . ’
26 ‘ … This lady is well-connected , well-respected … you do n't make trouble for such people with impunity . ’
27 You do n't want equality for women .
28 When asked several times for an explanation he eventually said very plaintively , ‘ Daddy , you do n't say grace for porridge ! ’
29 ‘ People think that you do n't need wood for a cremation , — the spokesman told New ’ Scientist , ‘ but you do , because bones are very difficult to burn , as that chap in North London found out .
30 if you do n't find use for it you can chuck it out .
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