Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] not [vb infin] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I do not expect shame from Ministers , but I should have thought that all the Ministers present , and all the others who might come in later , would be a little wary about pressing this matter .
2 ‘ While I am pursuing the offender I do not want blood on the streets . ’
3 I desire the reader to remember that I do not make use of the word people for the mere vulgar or mobile , but for the whole community , consisting of clergy , nobility and commons …
4 He added , ‘ I do not put blame on the child exactly , but I do believe she was the aggressor5 . ’
5 I do not romanticise agony as a virtue , nor imagine that it makes me superior .
6 They inspect my passport and I do not find favour in their eyes .
7 However I do not recall hearing of any problem every being experienced by low-flying military hardware or cruise-level GA over Madley Earth Station which I managed for several years prior to my retirement last year , and which I believe is a much larger facility than Oakhanger .
8 He said he could not serve on that sub-committeee ( consisting of Brian Close , Bob Appleyard , Phil Sharpe , Bryan Stott , Tony Woodhouse ) ‘ when I do not see eye to eye with them on any subject ’ .
9 I do not deny uniformitarianism in its true sense , that is to say , of interpreting the past by means of the processes that we see going on at the present day , so long as we remember that the periodic catastrophe ( including sudden events like the rush of a turbidity current ) is one of those processes .
10 Excuse me I do n't involve cruelty in my training
11 They 're bound to take to Filmer too , you know how civilized he can seem , and I do n't suppose news of the trial got much attention here since it collapsed almost before it began .
12 I do n't carry tow-rope with me . ’
13 I do n't mean sex in any simple way .
14 Yes er that 's been the essence of what I 've wanted is er I 've , I 've had to have what I 've wanted by hook or by crook , and I do n't mean crook in a bad sense , I mean one way or another , you know what I mean and er I did job for the casters , same as they did jobs for me , you know and that 's how I 've gone through life , that is Michael .
15 just leave that unless you are totally stuck , and I do n't mean sort of five minutes , have a good sort of maybe ten minutes or say about ten minutes of playing with this .
16 I do n't want marmalade on it , I do have butter .
17 I do n't want marriage as a lifeline .
18 I do n't want water on the ceiling .
19 I 've come a long way to make a reconciliation with him , and I do n't want interference from some snooty cocktail waitress .
20 ‘ And I do n't want advice from you .
21 of course he had no recipe , although I do n't make custard in micro I would n't know how to do it in microwave
22 Thick eyeliner on the top of my eyes , I do n't wear eyeliner on the bottom just in case you think I 'm a tart !
23 I do n't eat food with dirty hands either .
24 I 'm afraid I do n't speak French at all and in any case I will not be here for long , but madame … ’
25 ‘ And I do n't return night after night to the flat — largely thanks to the fact that I am footloose and fancy-free , I can follow my job wherever it takes me . ’
26 I do n't drink coffee without sugar . ’
27 So I er , I politely told him what he could do with that , well , I was eating his dinner and I could n't be too rude to him , but erm , you know , when er when , when confronted , I do n't give ground over that kind of thing .
28 I do n't do business over here , this was an exception . ’
29 I do n't think advertising in TSB or the Prog is going to do that .
30 Well I do n't think information about the , the seven , what are the seven conditions of receipt of benefit and things like this would be a State secret .
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