Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [vb pp] [pers pn] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 And I think sent me on that course you know .
2 ‘ Oh , yes , I 've wanted you from that first meeting in France . ’
3 I 've asked him about that and what he said is that er , he was saving up and he was going tax the vehicle as soon he was able to do so but he did n't have the funds and er , to do so at , at that time .
4 I 've asked him about that and what he said is that er he was saving up and he was going to tax the vehicle as soon as he was able to do so , but he did n't have the funds er to do so at , at that time .
5 I 've loved you from that first day . "
6 so I 've put that away , I , it ai n't even in my account , Alan 's got that and I said to Alan if I pass this test I shall buy a banger , five hundred quid with this tax money and then put the odd to insurance , if I do n't I 'll leave it where it is , because I , I mean little one will want a holiday and that anyway so I 've kept it for that , but that 's what I intend to do , so I said to Alan if I get a little banger just enough to get me to Tettering and back I was gon na go tech , to do some courses
7 I 've seen her in that dress with the whole of the bar top covered in loose change , laboriously counting the coins , bagging the silver and copper coins separately .
8 I 've seen you with that one have n't I ?
9 I 've seen you on that same stage hesitant , unsure of yourself , struggling to get by . ’
10 I 've given them to that solicitor that
11 In fact I 've put it in that report have n't I ?
12 I 've told him about that .
13 Charlotte do n't put pens in your mouth , I 've told you about that before
14 I 've got mine like that , mine 's erm what they call it ?
15 I have warned you of that .
16 I have seen her like that myself .
17 Because I have had it with that kind of treatment of Americans . "
18 I have put it like that because the law does not mention God and concentrates on ‘ balance ’ rather than ‘ equal time ’ as some papers have reported .
19 Once you 've trained it like that to test it on this pattern all you do is take the pack into the system and see whether you can
20 and how I could , we 'd see him passing and he used to keep , he used to live in a li , like it was a farm place further on , Sand Mill Cafe , I do n't know whether you 've seen it along that road
21 It 's us and people out there , there is still people out there sighing and crying and groaning under the detestable things that are going on in this world , I 've no doubt you 've met many , but , when they say I do n't know what the world 's coming to , well if you know what 's in your magazines and then your literature and the reasoning book , all these lovely provisions , because you 've devoured it , you 've eaten it like that scroll that John was given , it was sweet to him was n't it ?
22 You 've got to be over there for eleven o'clock and you 've had it after that to get anywhere else
23 You 've set it for that rough track . ’
24 They 've put it from that wall , and they 've stuck it on to this wall .
25 Most places where erm , you know they 've got them in that , where you go
26 Maybe they 've taken it from that video .
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