Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [vb pp] [prep] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 Macca played as well as I 've seen in the first twenty minutes .
2 That I 've done for the first time in my life something original .
3 There 's actually another complaint this morning I 've had on the first floor of G P House .
4 Well I 've got to the first one
5 Now I 've got through the first round , it 's taken the pressure off me a bit .
6 no , no , my Lord I have raised for the first time the board minute
7 In view of the answer that I have given to the first question this second question does not arise and it would be unwise for me to attempt to answer it on a hypothetical basis .
8 As I have said , I have quoted from the first page of the background paper , which is available from the Library .
9 This means that you do n't have to wait for WSP to read all the text on any page and then edit out the unwanted bits , but can tell it exactly what you want read in the first place .
10 Just a bit more about Camco second half is , given these little plus and minuses you 've had in the first , first half , what 's coming in the second ?
11 And more particularly in Appendix Three , you 've got for the first time , individual chief officers and general managers comments , for achieving a better equal opportunity profile in their department or unit .
12 Fairly soon one realises that red means melodrama , and blue means romance , and you wonder if you have stumbled across the first romantic novel of the post-communist era .
13 It is i i I I we have a wide range of changes that would flow out from that so you could n't just take a change to Cornwall which would then create an oversized Devon seat , I quite accept that and we 've argued from the first that this would have to be part of the review as a whole .
14 Erm so I all we 're trying to do now at the moment though is , is to , to operate from the point of view of saying look , if you actually take all these things into account , we should n't be worse than we were ultimately , once these systems have bedded in , we 're doing more checking on letters for example th than , than we w we wo n't have to once we 've checked through the first two months of auto-offs , and we 're getting used to the new reports and so on and that sort of stuff , so we expect there to be a blip , but you would expect a learning curve in anyway .
15 It 's just the same as what we 've done in the first one , and we 're
16 Is this a *true* reflection of the quality of football we 've played over the first couple of months … and are we likely to break Cov 's unbeaten run ?
17 Figures we 've obtained for the first three months of this year show astonishing variations in cautioning rates across Kent .
18 What we 've got for the first time I suspect , since any of you joined this company and you take the experience over there as well , is that the time you spend two days together , and actually find out what it is that makes you go and I do n't suppose that happens often , , dropped you off the boat together for more than two hours at a time .
19 But to judge something relevant to the choice of a spontaneously emerging goal as end , it is enough — as we have insisted from the first — that awareness of it does in fact act causally on the spontaneous inclination .
20 ‘ If the response we have received to the first phase continues we will embark on the creation of a ‘ mirror scheme ’ , ’ he said .
21 Here we have stumbled on the first of many .
22 We have shown for the first time an inhibition of in vitro CCPR in normal and premalignant human rectal epithelium by vitamin D and its metabolites .
23 Erm perhaps I can turn the the question on its head and and I think the way the County Council 's looked at it , what would be the implications of not providing for the needs of North Yorkshire , and that 's I think the approach that we have taken in the first instance , is to try and determine what the needs of North Yorkshire are and to borrow a phrase from Professor Lock , in strategic terms to look at er try to achieve full employment in North Yorkshire .
24 I think it is tough for BD because the midfield have their own way of playing which they 've had since the first season back , and Chapman knew where to be cos they built it round him .
25 The exact timing of the sensitive period differs between species ; domestic chicks , for example , only follow objects they have seen during the first three days after hatching , whereas for mallard ducklings , the phase lasts for 10–15 days after hatching .
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