Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [vb pp] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It erm I suppose released a great deal of pressure that seemed to have been building up .
2 I was down in the workshops and I 've run a great splinter into my thumb . ’
3 Do n't forget I 've planned a little job to do outside working hours . ’
4 Well , I 've trailed my coat , I 've said a whole lot of things in hopefully to intrigue you , to start you off , merely in terms of rather positive public relations , the media are good and they 're lovely and you ought to encourage them , and really , my message in the very first part is what I started off with .
5 I 've said the wrong thing .
6 I 've said the fucking question wrong anyway
7 What about it like this , see , I 've done all those hats , I 've done the , I 've gone a great hat I have
8 I 've gone the wrong way round now have n't I ?
9 ‘ I 'm sure I 've missed a crucial piece of information , but my understanding is that the TARDIS has been infiltrated and taken over by Pool . ’
10 ‘ A lot of bad things have been said but I 've fulfilled a lifelong dream this season for which I 've worked very hard . ’
11 I 've written a new play .
12 I 've written a good deal about traps .
13 Wait until I 've written a full report . ’
14 Can I say , I , I can express concern about that because I think that in terms of funding I 've written A short term and B long term erm I think we 've got a short term problem and
15 This this is I I I 'll start off as I say I 've I 've written a covering letter
16 I 've written the whole section as an identical pattern of pull-offs ( with one note in parentheses , because I think that 's what Cliff was aiming for , but missed getting the first lick on string 1 to sound out — there were no drop-ins on recording sessions in 1956 ! ) .
17 I 'll feel that I 've lost a good friend .
18 But like he said and yo and your bill , your receipt and I 've forgo I 've lost the bloody receipt !
19 I 've lost the damn thing now !
20 I 've lost the little silver thing .
21 I hope I 've understood the supplementary question correctly , if I 've not I apologise to Mr but we are dealing in a technical area .
22 And you can do it by taking one from t' other but more useful er , I would suggest , is to work out a planned performance or what I 've called a planned performance , er , this 'll be in your , in your notes as well , er which equals planned expenditure over planned er , income or allowance .
23 If we 're measuring the m membrane current , which here I 've called a macroscopic current because we 're we 're integrating over a whole area of membrane , this , with respect with any given channel will comprise can be expressed in terms of the number of channels which are present , the probability that each one of those channels is open , the open state probability , and in terms of the unitary current of each channel , that is the single channel current .
24 What I 've called the Maoist turn , the turn in , in programme , the turn in strategy which is lead by er Mao Tse-tung , and we have finally got erm to the stage in Chinese history where Mao Tse-tung 's role becomes crucially important .
25 Noise/horror undoes the self by confronting it with the other that dwells within it , the monstrous potential latent in us all , waiting to be catalysed by an extreme predicament ; what I 've called the new psychedelia undoes the self by letting it drift off and disappear into the otherwordly .
26 Yes , I 've called the local council .
27 After my first six months as Director of South East Arts , I 've prepared an interim report with five main topics , which I wish to put forward for public consideration , and if anybody has any comments to make perhaps they 'd let me know .
28 Q Over the years I 've accumulated a motley collection of kitchen knives , none of which are very sharp .
29 I 've travelled a long way today . ’
30 I 've selected a straight line path for the plane .
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