Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [to-vb] [adv] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 I hope to get home at a reasonable time tonight , but it rather depends on what Kegan wants .
2 ‘ I like the bit where I get to go home at the end .
3 ‘ A lot of women would n't have the nerve to wear this , possum ( how they wish they 'd had my recipe for stretch-mark ointment ) but I feel I have to thrust ahead at the forefront of fashion .
4 be careful in the dusk , remember mirror , signal , manoeuvre once you start to overtake move quickly passed the vehicle you are overtaking , when overtake er , overtake only on the right except when the driver in the front has signalled that he intends to turn right , you can overtake him on the left , without getting in the way , when you want to turn left at a junction , when traffic is moving slowly in queues and be er , in a lane on the right and moving more slowly than you are , in one way streets , but not dual carriageways , maybe with a path on either side , when traffic is moving as described , do not increase your speed while being overtaken , slow down if necessary to let the overtaking vehicle pass .
5 There 's a time when you have to strike hard at a decisive moment . ’
6 I think you need to look again at the bit I 've marked above where I could n't understand it , and try to clear up the problem .
7 We tend to look only at the beginning and end of a decision .
8 I think at the end it must come down to two things ; one basically a change in attitude — we have to come to recognise that we live in a very , very technological society , that most of us were born before man walked on the moon , but the kids in school were born in an age when man had walked on the moon ten years ago and they live in a world which is very scientific , and we have to recognise that — and the other one is practical sense , I think , where we really have to look seriously to in-service training of teachers , a ) and b ) we have to look carefully at the way we train teachers now .
9 I think at the end it must come down to two things ; one basically a change in attitude — we have to come to recognise that we live in a very , very technological society , that most of us were born before man walked on the moon , but the kids in school were born in an age when man had walked on the moon ten years ago and they live in a world which is very scientific , and we have to recognise that — and the other one is practical sense , I think , where we really have to look seriously to in-service training of teachers , a ) and b ) we have to look carefully at the way we train teachers now .
10 So I hope , in my remarks , and I hope in the general tone of the debate , there 's enough to reassure London Region that we need to move forward at a careful pace .
11 First we need to look closely at the nature of decisions .
12 In analysing political action — that is to say , struggles for power — we need to look primarily at the activities of social groups rather than the actions of individuals , although the influence of particular individuals may evidently be a significant factor in some historical situations .
13 The basic assumption of geometric perspective is that although parallel lines never meet , they appear to do so at a vanishing point , on a distant backcloth .
14 Parishioners say if they want to speak to him they have to do so at the gate .
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