Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [adv] a [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Yes I put out an appeal to er my readers to search their attics and their er lofts and their garden sheds for all the things they might have left over from the second World War .
2 He 's the one who gets the wages for it while I have n't a lira to myself not even to buy a pair of stockings , stuck here in this gloomy hole day after day — and he goes out working , he goes out to work when according to the contract he 's not allowed , I should be allowed but not him .
3 At the moment you do I take it you 're recording people who sort of ring up say I 'm interested you send out a package to them you record them
4 And erm I think you know you you owe quite a lot to your first teachers , quite a lot .
5 In fact you sound as if you 've hardly a minute to yourself between looking after the grandchildren and caring for your husband .
6 Keeping informed of the latest international research and developments in the field is easy if you take out a subscription to Applied Linguistics .
7 You have n't a penny to your name . "
8 You need also a course to be provident for the future in terms of ensuring that you will be able to continue to discharge your responsibilities in years to come .
9 He cites some of the outstanding performances in C&P — ‘ and we have quite a number to our credit .
10 By 1978 British Rail and the Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français ( SNC ) had started planning a single track rail tunnel for through rail services , commonly known as the Mousehole , and they put forward a plan to the governments in 1979 .
11 She lays her eggs , and when the babies are ready to hatch they call out a warning to her that they are coming out .
12 Modern technology and the discourses of knowledge associated with it represent both a threat to society and a possible means of expanding human consciousness .
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