Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [pron] [noun] to the " in BNC.

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1 I commend his outlook to the House when we discuss issues relating to the social charter .
2 Still , I need some fun , and so I make my way to the front , along a narrow arm out onto the sun-baked prow tip .
3 I make my way to the back holding on carefully .
4 No , I 'll treat you to them , I make my lot to the nearest bottle with Unicare if I can , how many you 've got ?
5 I ca n't keep the eye open and I fumble my way to the bathroom to clean my contact lens .
6 ‘ You must set them free before I send your brothers to the plane . ’
7 I place my chair to the left of the swim so that I am hidden behind the wall of rushes and have a good viewpoint of both rods .
8 I welcome his election to the House .
9 Me ankle hurts every time I put me foot to the ground .
10 I put my views to the Chief Secretary , ’ he said calmly , ‘ before he left for London .
11 When I put my question to the Secretary of State for Defence , I referred to the hon. Member for Glasgow , Govan ( Mr. Sillars ) .
12 Every time I co , I put my face to the window they go , oh no , he 's back again !
13 I begin my answer to the hon. Member by reminding the House that those who ignore history are destined to repeat it .
14 I READ your reply to the £10 letter re medical treatment or the proposed determent of it by some doctors , and I was completely astounded by the lack of logic in the statement ‘ have helped themselves to get there . ’
15 I extend my hand to the new president of the Greek-Cypriot people in south Cyprus , ’ he said , deliberately choosing language which challenges the legitimacy of the Cyprus republic .
16 I add my voice to the condemnation of the activity of the Provisional IRA which has pertained in Northern Ireland for more than 20 years and which in this case was clearly sectarian as it killed seven Protestant workers .
17 How do you think I get my oil to the island for the generator and the Aga ? ’
18 Well if I refer you , Dave Girt , Leeds City , if I refer you madam to the first paragraph of R P G 2 which is strategic planning guidance for West Yorkshire .
19 Secondly , I draw her attention to the career development loan scheme which the Government are funding .
20 I draw his attention to the fact that we are now net exporters of televisions whereas we were net importers under the Labour party and to the fact that motor output has been expanding in recent years whereas it was declining under Labour .
21 I draw his attention to the fact that a private consortium , the Central Railway Group , is proposing to build a private line on the old great central railway from the channel tunnel up through Buckinghamshire to Leicester .
22 I draw your attention to the plan at appendix five of my statement .
23 The gentleman who saved me suggested I tell my story to the French authorities .
24 As the shallow tent of evening falls upon us , and black taxis queue like hearses at Marble Arch , I lift my knees to the platform , glide down the Westway with my head full of phlegm and board that plane to Los Angeles .
25 However there there is there is I think some re there are relevant sections in in the county council document N Y eleven , which follows on which is the the county 's as I understand it rebuttal to the H B F's assumptions on erm the environmental constraints and how they should apply across the county .
26 Sir : While tending to agree with the Archbishop of Canterbury 's social critique as reported in your paper ( 'Runcie attack on ‘ Pharisees ’ revives rift with Tories ' , 2 October ) , I find his reference to the Pharisees more than a little unfortunate .
27 By the way , I gather his appointment to the registrar post was an unpopular one . ’
28 So while the Apostate 's squaring the circle with the last of Gittel 's breed , I turn my attention to the nearest branch of the familial tree of old Shmuel ben Issachar .
29 But I keep my eyes to the front .
30 So the current position is that there 's been substantial progress er in Greater York , and I think its testimony to the willingness of the Greater York authorities to work together there that there 's been such a level of agreement I think probably er never before achieved in the Greater York area as to the direction that Greater York erm er should take .
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