Example sentences of "[pers pn] [to-vb] back to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So then it was up to me to go back to the script and find what I could to give me a lead .
2 The most usual course of action for disappointed applicants will be for them to write back to the Com
3 This is a short-cut walkers are not supposed to take , to prevent erosion , but it would have taken a man with a Rotweiler and a machine-gun to stop me , so desperate was I to get back to the car and home .
4 Although I would have kept all the notes and drafts and I could , therefore , reconstruct how a poem is written , it 's my experience that once it 's been written it 's very hard for me to imagine back to the time when it was n't written .
5 The young man know as Sandro appeared at the house and his parents said ‘ we do n't want you to go back to the Hare Krishna movement ’ .
6 ‘ I want you to go back to the house and telephone the Incident Room .
7 Wycliffe said : ‘ I want you to come back to the Incident Room with me where you will be asked to make a full statement . ’
8 ‘ I want you to get back to the docks and get everybody out as fast as you can .
9 I want you to think back to the story of Mufaro
10 A year ago Nicky , Rob 's girlfriend of about eight months convinced him to go back to the ice pack that nearly killed him .
11 I 'm an Army officer and all I want to do is persuade him to go back to the Army . ’
12 We had a few drinks and all thought he seemed a bit of a laugh so we asked him to come back to the shop with us and have a bit of a sing .
13 The queasiness which had first compelled him to come back to the house that evening clawed him again , and kept him in the chair under her fond glances and bids to intimacy .
14 They had fallen , both of them , he could picture it exactly in his mind , and he could remember Kairallah , calling to him to get back to the car .
15 War on the ground is really a man with a large field with curved corrugated metal huts to keep pigs in to grub all the vegetation off to feed them up to get themselves eaten by other men to help those men to have the energy to work to make the curved corrugated metal huts and grow other food in other fields that gets eaten by another lot of men who leave some of it to feed back to the pigs .
16 Another electronic effect , pioneered for this story , and thereafter used in all subsequent Dalek serials , was the Dalek extermination effect-a very simple trick of opening a camera 's aperture too wide , thereby admitting in too much light , swamping the camera 's electronics and causing it to send back to the gallery a negative image .
17 Therefore , if a clause giving a reason for such an action has a pronominal subject , we expect it to refer back to the questioner .
18 Eve did n't want it to get back to the convent that she was trick acting in Healy 's Hotel and ogling teddy boys out of the window .
19 If , for instance , a lone ant finds a food source too large for it to bring back to the nest by itself , it runs back to the nest leaving a pheromone trail on the way .
20 Moderator I think er Mr wants us to go back to the words reconciliation .
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